True Feelings

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Yamaguchi's pov

What is this strage's not regret....not sadness....I feel's was a prank...but I feel like I was acually with Kenma....

I look at Kenma who looks broken on the inside. "K-Kenma?...don't'll be fine....I'm still here for you." Wait why did I say's not like I acually like him right...I like Tsuki.....right?

I shake my head to get such a thought out of my head....but I had an aching feeling to hug Kenma to make hin feel better. So I do so. "Y-Yamaguchi?" Kenma says in confusion. "Don't worry, Kuroo is just mad..." What else do I say?..."How about we go to the game store?" I say. That was the o ky think I can think of. "Sure, I can try to get some new games for mh switch." I don't know why....but I got very happy when he agreed to come with me. What's wrong with me?....this feeling is so weird. I should just shake it off.
.............(Time skip brought to you by Yaku and Sangwoo~♡♡)

We arrive at the game store and Kenma buys a game. We start to walk around the park. "You okay Kenma?" I ask. He looks at me and nods.

I can't stand this feeling... what is this. I hated the prank...but it felt like we were acually together.

3rd pov

Kenma is walking with his new game in hand, and Yamaguchi stops walking. Kenma turns around to see what happened. "Kenma...I know we weren't acually dating....but I need to get this feeling off my chest..." Yamaguchi says looking Kenma in the eyes. 'What does he mean feeling?' Kenma thinks in his head. "What do you mean?" Kenma asks. Just then Yamaguchi starts to gather all of his courge and step up to Kenma. Kenma has a feeling what might happen. But he doesn't want tk assume. Yamaguchi is standing gathering up the courage to do it....Yamaguchi, want to kiss Kenma....


After a short while Yamaguchi grabs Kenma's hand and says, "I know we have our differences...and I know I have Tsuki and you have Kuroo... but before we go on to get our crushes..." Yamaguchi then Kisses Kenma. Kenma stands there shocked. Yamaguchi let's go of the kiss and get's so embarrassed that he ends up running away saying "Good luck with Kuroo!"

Kenma, still surprised. Smiles, then starts walking to the dorm place.


(There you go Hotp0ckett you wanted thisSsS so BOOM-!✨😌💅🏽)

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