Fake dating

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Yamaguchi's pov

Kenma really likes the plan of us fake dating to prank the other team. Akaashi knew what we were up too and he said would pretend to be the third wheel in this. After we all ended up scolded by the others we went home.

I woke up at 3 o'clock. Must have been really tired. I get to to head to Kenma's house for the plan but I get a knock on my doot instead. I open the door and it was Kenma. "I came over to you instead" Kenma says while finally looking off his phone.

We sit down and I begin telling him the plan. "So we go out for drinks to make it seem real. And then we go to your dorm and to your room. That's gonna be that side of the plan. But we won't know untill it happens.But let's hope Tsuki will be there." I say. Kenma just smiled and said, "we'll be fighting the final boss soon"...


We go out looking good and stuff. We end up getting some food and heading to the arcade. When it was getting dark we head to Kenma's dorm. The prank is about to began.

We walk in and as expected Tsuki was here with Kuroo.  "Oh hey guys where have ya been?" Kuroo asks first. "Oh we were on our date." Kenma says while we head towards Kenma's room. Leaving a dumb founded Tsuki and Kuroo.

We close the door and Kenma starts laughing. I let out a little laugh but I started to frown. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?....

Just then Kuroo and Tsuki burts throught the door simultaneously yelling, "Ya'll are dating!?!" I can tell Kenma can't answer cause he's about to burst out laughing. "Y-Yes we are. We started seeing eachother recently." I say hoping it sounded convincing. But both there faces surprised me and Kenma. They look confused and shocked. And what took us by surprise the most was that the both of them looked heartbroken.

"S-So y'all are dating now?... I guess it's the my best friend is dating the person I'm datings best friend cliche huh?...." Tsuki says while pulling up his glasses.

Me and Kenma were beyond confusion.  We wanted to know what made them look so angry.

"Well good luck." Kuroo says while walking off with Tsuki. Kenma looked at me then said.......

"Wanna keep this prank going to see what'll happen?...."

I was scared to answer but I nodded while being hesitant. 

"Well I guess we'll continue....my date."


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