Borrowing Lives

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" This is not a time for joking. We would have killed her instantly if she never held you hostige." The Jarl said, and he was right, but she was too fast and I couldnt stop her. " Now, since that is all over, can you give me your name" I asked her. " My people, call me Rayne." She said. "I have come, on behalf of my people to offer you my aid, if you will lend us your aid. The falmer have hunted our children , killed our elders, you name it, theyve done it." She said. " So how will I be able to acuire your aid?" I asked her. " Give us a chance. Every soldier you have in your army can always improve their fighting abiities. Let us teach them, and if they have our back in the batlle, we will guard theirs." She said. " So what your saying is, if we fight with you, you fight with us.?'' I asked. " Yes. And we may need some weapons and armor also." She said. " That can be arranged. Go, ready your people and get back as fast as possible." I said. She nodded her head, and ran to her horse, then rode off. I watched her as she rode off, until she was out of sight. The Jarl walked over to me, and asked what she wanted. I explained how she is going to help, and he agreed it was a good idea, and she was right about training out soldiers. A guard walked up to us and said that there was a group of men here to see us. He explained that they had odd weapons on them, and was afraid they were some sort of daedra worshippers. We looked at each other, and carefully walked to the group of men. " Who are you? Why are you here?" The Jarl said. When they turned, we saw the odd weapons that they posessed. " We are the First Vampire Defense Unit of Dawnguard. It was said that you needed help fighting the vampires, so we have responded as quickly as we could." He said. " What are you talking about? We are preparing to fight the falmer, not vampires." I said. " Then you are in for some very terrible news"

A Life In The World Of Skyrim, Book II: A Hero's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now