The Winds Of Change

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This is the last thing i wanted to hear. We have enough on our hands, and now vampires? It's more than we can handle. I walked away, and went inside to sit on my bed. I sat there, deep in thought. Pictures of every ones faces appeared when i closed my eyes. I lay on my bed, barely moving. Just thinking. I somehow fall asleep, and wake up the next morning. "I slept through the whole afternoon?" I said to myself. I walked outside, it was still pretty dark. I sat on a rock for awhile, until it was too cold to stay out any longer. I went back inside, and had a loaf of bread with water. I tried to fall asleep, but couldn't. By now, the sun was slowly peaking over the horizon, so I took a couple swords out to the forgery and began to sharpen them. I got about two done before more began coming outside. The Jarl approached me. " Today is the day. A guard announced that the falmer and vampires are approaching us. He said it was a small group, so we should be able to take them out at long range." That's some good news, at least. Take their numbers down a little, get some morale going. I looked at the path leading up. There were about twenty altogether. " Your troops are waiting, my boy." The Jarl said to me. I turned around, everyone was staring at me. With blank stares. I turned away quickly, and looked down the path. One of them pulled something white out of his pocket, and attached it to what looked like a spear. " It's a white flag, their surrendering!" Ria shouted. It couldn't be that easy. It's a trick, or something. I turned around again. " Archers! Follow me down the path, don't release unless they attack first." All of the archers loaded an arrow, and filled in behind me. " We come in peace! Don't shoot, we are not like them, we have revolted from the army." The vampire said. " Throw your weapons up here, and then we shall speak to you."

A Life In The World Of Skyrim, Book II: A Hero's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now