The Hate Inside

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The dragon landed and started killing soldier after soldier. Camp after camp. Vlad put his hand on my shoulder. "I sense it boy, the rage. It's building up, isn't it? Go on, watch as he kills the innocent." he said. Fire whirled from its mouth, burning everything in its path. "Go on boy, unleash its power. So much for waiting, right? Your strong enough now." he said. I took the parchment out of my pocket. It was hard to read and make out. "Vikalo? Milbaro? Vladaro?" Nothing was working. I looked for Vlad but he was gone. It's just me now. The dragon grew closer. A stuttered and said any name I could think of. The dragon was too close now, I need to figure it out now, or it'll be too late. I closed my eyes, and all of a sudden images ran through my mind. Images of blood, war, men dying, murders, vampires. And most important of all, the name. My eyes shot open, the moment was right. I looked up at the beast and yelled "Vilano!" as loud as I could. The weapon started to glow, and stopped the dragon where it was at. It wouldn't take another step towards the light. The daggers blade split in half, and a blade rose from the hilt. It grew, it kept growing until it was the size of a greatsword. But it wasn't heavy. It still felt like a dagger. Just when I thought it was done, the blade cracked down the middle and split in two, but was held together by what looked like a lightning blot made of blood. There was odd lettering on the blades, much like the writing of the daedra. Then the glow went away, and grew bright. Faster then it had before, and then blew up. The moment it blew up there was a scream that came from the blade. Not just one, but thousands of screams to make your blood run cold. I stood there with the blade in hand, waiting for something else to happen. Memorized by its powers, I didn't realize the dragon was still in front of me. It roared and snapped me out of it.

A Life In The World Of Skyrim, Book II: A Hero's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now