Our Nature

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I kept thrusting the spear into their chests, with anger consuming me. When the tip broke, I used the pole. Using blunt force to crush their skulls. When the pole snapped, I used the two pieces as clubs. Blocking and parrying their attacks, waiting for my chance to strike them down. I will make them pay for this. I killed the last one, and picked a bow with arrows and a dagger off the ground. I ran for Ria. As I ran into the main hall of the building, there were more. A lot more. I drew an arrow and shot. Then again, and again. Clearing the main hall with pinpoint accuracy. I charged toward the hallways, turning the corner and sliding to a stop. I picked up the bow to focus in on another soldier. I let the arrow go, and reloaded. I started clearing out every room, this way there would be no chance of being flanked. All of the rooms were clear, and bodies of friends and foes were scattered on the ground. I heard a yell come from the entrance to the main hall. "Their making a second assault!" someone exclaimed. Another one? We don't have the resources of men and items to hold them off. I had to think of something quick. I ran to the front of the building. Alexia was no where to be found, I assumed she went to find her sister. I scanned the room. "How close are they to us?" I asked a soldier. "Their coming up the path as we speak sir!" he yelled. Everyone was frantic, shaking, walking back and forth readying themselves for death. Some men were on their knees praying, others were forming talking to each other, some were trying to hype themselves up to be ready. I just stood there and watched. I heard footsteps coming toward me from behind, and they were approaching quickly. I turned and dropped my weapon as Ria jumped into my arms. "I thought you were dead." she said, as she started to cry. I wrapped my arms around her, and tried to talk but nothing came out. We stood there in silence, comforting one another. "Their here!" A soldier yelled as he broke the silence. "What do we do?" Ria asked me. I looked at the ground, the glanced at her, then back at the ground. I unfolded my arms and turned around. "You! Get your sword out, two others start closing the doors. Everyone else gather by me." I commanded.

A Life In The World Of Skyrim, Book II: A Hero's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now