The End Of The Second Book

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Hello again everyone! Well, this concludes the end of the second book! 2 down, and 1 to go. I hope you're as excited to read the next book as I am to write it! I like to do these little pages at the end of the completed book so I stay in contact with all you guys, so I hope you all don't mind! I want to do a little something different for the final book. This series was really fun to write, come up with ideas for, and let you all read. So first off, THANK YOU :DDD Wether you were reading from the first chapter when I posted it, or just joined a day ago, I sencerely thank each and every one of you for the support. If it wasnt for all of you guys, I wouldnt have made a second book, let alone a trilogy! So, for the final installment, I want all of your help. I want to know what you all would like to see in the final installment. I've already made up my mind on how it will end, but I want your ideas of what to put into the book as it comes down to the end. Twists and turns, romance, death, anything you can think of just throw down in the comments and the most popular responces will be selected and worked into the book! I really look forward to hearing what you all have to say! If you're wondering, no, i'm not being lazy :P I already know how the entire book is going to be played out. I just want all my readers to feel that they also have made this series. We all made it, not just me. So feel free to put down whatever you would like to see happen in the story! Try to keep it PG folks, no "I want to see them **** and then watch them **** a ****!!!!!!!" No. No.

If you would like to support and help me make this a hobby/job, here's a link to my patreon to help me out. Your never inclined to do so, so please don't feel like I'm making you, if you did I would be forever grateful!

So with that, this officially concludes book two. Thank you all for sticking with me through it, and I hope to make the final book the best one yet!

Also, I will be starting a BRAND NEW SERIES!!! Or, book. Like the skyrim series, it depends on what the readers like. Seeing as you are the readers, I'd like to make you all happy. In turn, it makes me happy :). So please, check it out when it's posted, and let me know what ya like!!!!

A Life In The World Of Skyrim, Book II: A Hero's TaleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ