For My Readers

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Hello to all the readers! As you all know, the end of the year is quickly approaching, as well as the second installment of the Skyrim series. But, as the new year comes so does the third and the final installment of the series. So I just wanted to throw a quick thank you message in here. Hope you guys don't mind! Let me know what your new years resolution will be, and if you younger hope you get all you want for Christmas! If you're older, control yourself on new years eve for me, okay? :P Anyway hope all your holiday plans go as planned XD I know sometimes it doesn't work out too well, so I hope it does this year! Thank you all for making writing for me very, very enjoyable :) I owe all inspiration to all of you. Without you, there would be no 3rd book. Or 2nd, in that matter. I'm glad to have had you all join me this past year, and look forward to having everyone for the next year! So with that, I'll see you all on the other side!

A Life In The World Of Skyrim, Book II: A Hero's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now