Unfortunate Events Turn Into Oppertunity

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As his feet hit the side of the cliff, I knew there was no jumping off now. We were sliding down the side faster then a horse could run. Ria pulled out a few hand made bombs, and started tossing them to her side. I couldn't do anything with just a sword. Being dragonborn and everything, I shouldn't be the one doing the least in this war. But... what could i do? I'm on a giant's shoulder, it feels like I'm sitting in a tree, and all I have is a sword. I went to draw it in-case i needed to get off. "What? My sword, it's gone!" No, this couldn't be, I never set it down. Did I? The impact, when we landed on the side of the cliff, my sword... it fell out. The impact made it fall out of the sheath, now it's halfway up a mountain. I thought for a minute, what should I do? "Paper!" I yelled. "Ria! Do you have a parchment on you?" I asked. "Uhm, let me check my pockets..... Ah, here we go. Why do you need paper in a time like this, if I may ask?" she said as she handed the parchment over. "I need a little help..." I said as I grabbed it. I stared at the blank parchment for a few moments. "Uhm, need one of these?" she said as she handed me a pen that she had made. "Don't worry, I built this myself. It holds ink in it, kinda like a storage area on the back. So you don't need to keep dipping it in an inkwell." I looked at her with a smile. She is a lot smarter then what I thought. First the flute, now this pen? Soon she'll invent a kind of bomb that has fire in it, and you drop it on the enemy as you fly over them. I'm just glad her brain is on my side. I jotted down a few words on the parchment and showed it to the giant. He nodded in agreement and went back to tearing through the army. He bent over at the right moment to grab a spear, then again for a sword, and again for a bow, and a final time for a shield. I took a deep breath and thought to myself, "Time to live up to the name" I looked at Ria a final time, and jumped off the giant's back.

A Life In The World Of Skyrim, Book II: A Hero's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now