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I didn't know what to do, I looked at the sword for awhile then just reacted to the first thing that came to mind. I walked over to the corpse and stabbed it. A whistling sound came from it, and the skin looked like it was drying up. The whistling stopped, then everything went dark, and then got blurry. There was this sound then, a whistling. And everything was spinning, the whistling got louder, and then little whips of light started shooting at me and entered my chest, then my whole body. It was over in a few seconds and I felt more powerful afterwards. Was that what the graybeards told me about? Or was that the sword? Oh well, I'll have to ask them later because right now, there is a war going on. While everyone is defending me and the rest of Skyrim, I killed a dragon. A dragon, not a couple of them, one.

A Life In The World Of Skyrim, Book II: A Hero's TaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon