Wrath Of A Thousand Men

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"Like a chant you mean?" I asked. "Well, sort of. See, this blade was crafted many centuries ago by my ancestors. And with life, comes death. See, when someone from our bloodline was killed in either cold blood or war, they die with hate. In turn, we realized that we can use that hate to our advantage. Use death to kill. And that's how this blade was born. You only need speak the name of its creator, and then you will have the power of an entire bloodline in your hands." I stood there, looking at the blade. How could a little weapon hold so much? I looked back up at Vlad "So what's the name then?" I asked him. "That's the problem. If I tell you the name and speak it out loud, it will transform. When it transforms, it will consume you. Unless, you hate. You need to hate whoever your using it against. Because once it comes out, it needs hate. It's an animal waiting to be fed. So watch how you use it. In this form, it's like any regular dagger so you are safe when it's like this." Consumes hate? How could a blade do that? So if I run out of hate, or don't hate strong enough I will die. "Well, how will I know the ancestors name then?" I asked him "Here, it is written on this paper. Do not open it until the time is upon you where you need it most. Only then, open this and speak it. I fear if you open it now and read it, you'll start thinking about the name and trying to figure out how to say it. So wait until the time comes." I shook my head, and took the parchment as he handed it over. Night has fallen, and it was dark. The battle below raged on in the torchlight. I said we should get some rest, we will need to relieve the tired troops in the morning. As we walked to a tent we had set up, a roar echoed. "What was that?" Ria asked. There was no mistaking that sound. "That was a dragon" I said with a quiver in my voice. Alexia ran over to us. "Ria, Titus, thank the divines your all right! I couldn't find you anywhere. A dragon was spotted coming this way from the north, I'm sure you all heard it." As she tried to speak, the dragon flew up the side of the cliff and slashed her in the back with its wing. The impact sent her flying, and Vlad ran to help her. He picked her up and walked back. "Here, Ria. Take your sister inside to a healer." Without any resustance or words, she nodded and ran off.

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