The Battle Inside

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I gripped the hilt with to hands, and stood prepared for anything. It began to breathe another cone of its deadly fire, so there were only two options for me. One was to run and find cover, the other was to fight it and kill it before it comes out. I looked for an opening in its defense, there were many but none that would deal a good amount of damage. When it raised its head, I saw it. I lowered the blade to my side and charged at it. I ran and jumped off a small rock to get a little leverage. In the air I raised my sword and pointed it toward the dragons throat. It tried to back up from the point, but it was too late. My sword went through its throat like a knife into a fresh baked sweet roll. I wrapped my other arm around his neck. I felt the skin, all of the scales were sharp as a dagger and warm from the fire it shot just a little while ago. It let out a loud, roar and started to flap its gigantic wings trying to take off into the air. I kicked off so I wouldn't go with it because with that wound I knew it wouldn't make it far, and I wasn't going to be part of the crash. I backed away from it and stood there as it tried to get off the ground. Then when I thought it was going to fall, it tried one last thing before it gave up. It steadied itself and I heard a noise come from within, and then fire. But it didn't come at me. No, the hole I put in it let the flames escape and the attack didn't last more then a few seconds before it killed itself with its own attack. I stood there as a few people gathered around. I heard talking and whispering among them, talk about me taking it down. Then when I thought everything was over, I forgot one important thing. The sword. It was still out, and it was draining my energy. It's going to consume me if I don't figure out how to make it revert back to its old state. Voices from the sword entered my head, and kept saying things about death and murder. Then they all started saying the same thing at once. "Let us feed" it whispered. What did that mean?

A Life In The World Of Skyrim, Book II: A Hero's TaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon