Dont Look Back

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I walked outside, and back into the battle. I drew my sword and started swinging. I didn't even notice I was fighting half the time, all I knew was my friend was dead and it's my duty to finish this so no one else gets killed. While swinging and lunging at the enemy with my sword, deflecting blows with my shield, sometimes I didn't even notice when I got hit. Blood ran down my arm, leg, back, everywhere. I was cut everywhere. But I didn't care, there was a spark in me. I couldn't feel it, I just kept swinging. I fought over the course of an afternoon, and it barely even seemed like a few minutes. So many dead, but I wanted to end this. I wanted to end this now. As evening started to end and night fell, I heard the wind above my head break time after time, as the vampires flew overhead. I watched as the dived down, out of the sky to pick them apart. Bodies fell from the sky, one feet another. From both armies, my vampires were able to pick off infantry, but when the archers came my vampires were weak and defenseless. So much death, you think you can get used to it. I was beside so many soldiers as they were cut down. Then another brave soul takes their spot awaiting the same fate. As I stood behind a soldier waiting to join the front line, I started being pulled back by a force. I turned to see Alexia pulling me by the arm. "Their at the camp!" she screams. I snapped back into reality and started to run away from the battle with her. I began to make my way up the path, looking up I saw enemy infantry. And a lot of them. "Ria" I thought to myself. I started to run faster, leaving Alexia behind. I made it to the top, and reached for my sword. I hadn't realized that when Alexia grabbed me and told me they were here, I dropped my sword and started running. I looked for weapons on the ground, but nothing. "Dovakkin!" I heard coming from my side. I turned and looked and watched a vampire flying towards me as fast as it could. As it released its grip from its legs, and watched as a spear shot down at me, and smashed into the snow in front of me. It flew back up into the sky and continued the assault. Was it Vlad? I had no time to make out who it was, but I'm glad they did. I pulled the spear out of the snow and charged at the soldiers, with Alexia at my side.

A Life In The World Of Skyrim, Book II: A Hero's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now