Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 | Matsuno Chifuyu's POV.

"Oohh! Senju, what a surprise!" Soon after the conversation between me and Senju, with Kazutora listening the whole time, the rest of the gang finally arrived. It took them a while just to get ice cream.

"Huh? Where did the Pizza come from?" Kazutora asked, I look over to Senju who had sparkles in her eyes. She seems eager to eat the Pizza, it smells good. I could tell it was just cheese maybe with pepperoni but it's huge.

"Benkei-san dropped it off for us," Haruchiyo said, taking a seat next to his little sister, "-Senju here requested it as a welcome back gift for Kazutora and the rest of you." Haruchiyo added, sighing at his little sister's spendings on food.

"You're telling me Senju bought it herself with her own money?" Kazutora asked once again, he looks like he's been flabbergasted since there were two boxes of huge ass pizzas. I mean who wouldn't be shocked? We're all not working yet and Senju has the money to buy two.

We all look at Senju with mixed expressions, "I mean I got a discount since the worker there is a member of Brahman!" She happily exclaimed, her eyes forming into crescent moons as she smiled.

Haruchiyo couldn't help but sigh again and pat his little sister, "You better pay them up correctly next time. You'll drive them out of business."

"I will, don't worry," Senju then looked at Hakkai who held the pizza boxes, "Open it!" She exclaimed.

Hakkai only nodded and immediately followed her orders, of course he did, what else would he say or do if it's a girl. He carefully placed em' down and as soon they opened the pizza boxes everyone started picking which part they'd take since it was on square cuts.

"I want the crust!" Nahoya exclaimed with Souya and Mucho looking at him weirdly.

"You can have all of our crusts!" Peh-yan yelled.

"Hell yeah, it looks hella crunchy!" Nahoya yelled, grabbing the crust from Mucho's hands.

We all eventually grabbed our own piece, some ended up fighting for the crust since they found out it had cheese fillings. Even Senju didn't know the Brahman member gave them free cheese fillings in the crust, so in-short, she was also one of the people who fought for the crusts.

"Hey Chifuyu," I look over to Kazutora who had split his pizza crust into two, "Take it."

I had to blink a few times before taking the crust from his hands, our skin brushed off each other. He was warm, and his skin was surprisingly soft and smooth for someone who got into fights a lot in the past.

"Thank you," I smiled, taking a bite off the cheese-filled crust, I couldn't help but feel all giddy inside because of how good the crust was, "This is so good."

I heard Kazutora giggle, "You look starry right now," he said.

"What's star-.."

"Hey Kazutora! Come over here for a second!" Mikey called, which ended up with Kazutora apologising to me with his expression and going straight to Mikey who was a bit far from where we were sitting.

"Pretty," Baji-san sat down next to me, still eating off some of the pepperoni on his pizza.

"Huh?" I raised a brow, what does he mean by 'pretty'? He even said that all of a sudden.

"That's starry," He said, a small smirk forming on his mouth. I'm even more confused.

"What?" I asked again, earning a small smack on my head. What the heck was that for?

"You idiot!" He yelled, still chewing on his pizza, "Starry means pretty, stupid!"

I could feel my face heat-up, suddenly it didn't feel cold anymore. I felt flushed, "What? Where did that term come from?" I looked away, trying to hide the growing blush on my face and ears.

Baji-san's chuckles were all I could hear for a short while, a little bit of loud chewing in a few chuckles, "When Tora was younger, he was always fond of stars, he thinks they're pretty," He swallowed the crust that he's been chewing for a while, "Damn crust are kinda chewy with the cheese but basically he uses starry instead of pretty so that it isn't obvious and embarrassing."

"Oh," I stared back at the crust he handed me, "That's nice.."

"You sure are a blushing mess. You don't blush this hard when others compliment you!" He said a little bit louder than usual, which earned both Takemitchy and Pah-chin's attention.

"Shh! I'm only flustered because it's a new term for me okay!"

"Did Kazutora call him Starry?" Pah-chin asked, his mouth a little bit full of chewed pizza.

"Yup." Baji-san's smirk only widened when Pah-chin looked at me with an amusing look, Takemitchy on the other hand chuckled.

"Why are you chuckling?" I angrily asked him. Him and his stupid hair making me a little irritated right now.

Takemitchy looked a little frightened, "Sorry...I kinda overheard your conversation."

"Me too." Pah-chin added.

I sighed, staring back at the crust that Kazutora gave me. "Starry? That's really new. But why am I starry in the first place?" I thought to myself, not really noticing the rest of my surroundings for a few seconds.

"You're gonna end up drilling holes in it if you keep staring," I look up to the familiar voice, Kazutora's voice is a lot raspier now. I eye him as Baji-san scoots over to make Kazutora sit a little bit closer this time to me, our thighs are almost touching.

"Yeah! Sorry.." I bit off the crust. Wow, this is chewy, the cheese is good though.

"So...Tora, did your voice box break or something. Your voice sounds like shit." Baji-san said, earning a small nudge from Kazutora making Pah-chin and Takemitchy laugh a little.

"Mikey made me drink a cold ass soda. It's already cold and he did that to spite me for choosing Mitsuya's bike."

"Oh, I forgot about that. I'm supposed to be upset as well." Baji-san ended up nudging him a little bit stronger which made him fall to my side, his hand ending up on my thigh, which he pressed a little because of Baji-san's strong impact.

"You bitch! Sorry about that Chifuyu." I can sense a little bit of panic from his voice as he nudged Baji-san twice as strong as he did to him which resulted to Baji-san falling onto the hard ground.

"Deserved," Pah-chin added, a chuckle escaping his mouth.

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