Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Chifuyu told the two boys he'd go to the bathroom to freshen up, they were left on the table with Kazutora jealously staring at Baji who's savoring his own yakisoba.

"Hey Kei." Kazutora spoke, Baji's attention drifted to him with his mouth half-full.


"It's normal to hug friends, right?"

Baji Keisuke made an unimaginable expression on his face as he slurpled his noodles up, "What?"

"Are you deaf?" Kazutora shot back.

"I can't believe you're asking me that, are you really Hanemiya Kazutora?" Baji slurped another as he observed Kazutora's judgmental glare at him.

"Yes I am, now answer the question you arsonist."

"Okay so you are Tora..." He slurped again, "But to answer your question, yeah, it is normal."

Kazutora was sighed in relief, "Thank God."

"Why're you even asking me that?" Baji raised a brow.

"Nothing, I was just wondering, ya know...curious." Kazutora giggled like a middle-school girl fantasizing about their crush and them getting married.

"Did being in juvie make you lose your sense of reality or what?" Baji responded, he isn't surprised that the other boy wasn't responding with words but instead with his eyes that glared into his soul.

"Shut up, will ya?" Kazutora rolled his eyes.

"Damn, ain't you the one who asked me a question though? Are you high?" Baji stood up, placing his empty yakisoba container into the trash bin.

"Probably." Kazutora whispered, his thoughts trailing back a certain blonde which made his lips form into a smile.

Baji unlucky, saw the whole thing unfold, "Is this idiot going crazy or what?"

"Oy, who ya smiling at? I don't remember having ghosts in our house." Baji sat back down in-front of Kazutora whose smile dropped once he returned.

"Nothin', just thinking that's all." Kazutora responded, his eyes drifting away from Baji.

"Smiling and thinking? Must be someone huh."

Kazutora flinched on the spot and his eyes were quick to look back at Baji who had an amused look plastered on his face. To Baji's entertainment, he got the reaction he wanted from his best friend.

"So it is someone," Baji chuckled, placing his hand on the table, leaning towards Kazutora, "I wonder who..." Baji's eyes trailed to the direction of the bathroom.

"Shut it!" Kazutora tried hitting the other boy, but missed.

"Chill man, I didn't mean to expose you there."

"It isn't him! I swear!" Kazutora exclaimed, slamming the table.

"Huh? I didn't even mention a name and you're already mentioning this, him." Baji's smile was the definition of evil, Kazutora swore he's never been this afraid of him in his years of living.


The owner of the voice is none other than, Matsuno Chifuyu. His shirt slightly wet from the dripping water of his hair that is currently flat and all over the place.

"Man, your hair is all over the place." Baji commented.

"I'm not some hair professional, let it dry Baji-san." Chifuyu rolled his eyes.

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