Chapter 25

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Chapter 25, TW: Violence

Kazutora arrived at the assigned place, after finally getting released from the hospital, he immediately went to contact his father in order to confront the man about his actions. The man told him to meet him somewhere, alone. Kazutora swore at himself for visibly shaking so much, the place reeked of old rusted metal and shit.

An old illegal breeding warehouse for dogs, which was also a secret place for kids that were abducted and sold in the black market. The case was closed years before Kazutora was born, so it's practically abandoned and free to explore in for any kind of person.

He enters the warehouse, a stronger scent of pee entered his nostrils making him cough at the disgusting smell.

"You sensitive to the smell of utter dog pee now?"

Kazutora jumped, turning to his back, where the origin of the old yet familiar voice came from. The man is wearing a suit, a clean snd neat one, his right hand in his pocket, and the other held a gun.

Kazutora gave the man a glare, clenching his fist at the sight of him, "What have you been doing?"

The man chuckled, soon after that, his smile was quick to fade into a frown, glaring back at the younger boy, "We have the same glare, too bad you inherited your mother's rebellious side." He uttered, stepping closer to Kazutora.

"I'm here now, you promised to leave Mom and everyone else alone if I come with you to whatever city you wanna go to." Kazutora's eyes quickly went to his father's hand that held the gun freely, seeing it again, kept sending him back to uncomfortable and unforgettable memories.

The man noticed his look of discomfort, tracing back to where Kazutora's eyes were settled on. A smirk began to form on his lips, "Ah, so you remember this?" He raised the gun up, "You used to be so obedient when I would show this to you, it looks like some of its effect still hasn't worn off."

"Why do you want us back?" Kazutora interrupted the man whom only responded with a wicked laugh to his question.

"Good question, I'm not so sure," He looked at the gun, lifting it up, pointing it to Kazutora who did not flinch a bit, "Maybe it's because I miss you guys? Can I not miss my own wife and son?" The man chuckled.

Kazutora smirked, "Maybe? You aren't even sure why you're going to such lengths to get us back."

The man's veins popped out, his occupied hand raising to the air, smacking Kazutora across the face using the gun's handle, "You certainly received that tongue of yours from your mother," He spat at the boy.

Kazutora coughed out blood, his eyes went to the ground, where some old dusted water, or pee, Kazutora wasn't sure anymore nor did he care at that moment. Seeing his own reflection bleeding out, with that man's slightly blurred face stand up high as he laid low annoyed him.

"Where's that new girlfriend of yours?" Kazutora asked, still staring at his reflection. His father's gaze changed from the mention of the mysterious girl.

"Bingo," Kazutora thought.

Kazutora slowly turned back to his father who seems to shaken from his words, "Where is she, dad?" He repeated.

Still no answer from his father, he could notice the man's grip on the gun loosen, his father's eyes were wide open. His father's eyes spoke the words that his mouth could not.

"You seem to be acting a bit odd, are you okay?" Kazutora forced a smile. Making the man smack him once again.

"Quit that attitude of yours Hanemiya Kazutora!" He yelled, grabbing the boy by his hair, dragging him to a corner filled with rusty metal and dusted boxes. Kazutora felt his back sting as his father threw him against an old metal pole that started pouring its dried paint once he made impact with it.

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