Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The five of them ended up chatting for almost an hour, until a huge scream could be heard from the arcade once again.

"What the hell?" Haruchiyo exclaimed, knowing their gang they most likely caused it. They already had guesses that it could involve either Mikey, Baji, or Smiley. Maybe even Draken in rare cases.

They all ran towards the direction of the scream, they aren't surprised it's caused by their the former members of Toman, but the person mainly involved who did made their heart pop out of their chest.

"Mitsuya! What's going on?" Mikey was seen at the scene together with Draken who was holding Mitsuya in order to stop him from bruising the already beaten up man on the ground.

Hakkai is also present at the scene, holding onto a young boy who held onto his clothes tightly behind him.

The man and Mitsuya exchanged glares at each other.

"This son of a bitch was forcefully dragging this kid, he was trying to kidnap him!" Mitsuya yelled, this only made him fight back against Draken's grip more.

"This won't do! You'll get in trouble too! Let's take him to the police." Draken spoke, tightening his grip onto the furious silver-head whose glare at the moment, could kill a soul.

"I don't fucking care! Let me kill him!" Mitsuya yelled, the silver-head looked like he was about to go extra feral on the man who's still failing to get up on his knees.

"Fucker! You son of a bitch ruined my chance to get that money..." The man uttered, getting back up on his shaking knees from all the bleeding. Pulling his arm up for a punch.

"This fucking rat-!" Mitsuya was finally able free himself from Draken's grip, he was preparing another punch at the man who was ready to punch him back.

Not until a familiar dirty-blonde head dashed into the scene and jumped-kicked the man's face, the impact made the man's body fly onto an arcade machine.

A moment of silence occurred, all eyes were laid upon the new person who seemingly ended the fight.

"Sick fuck." Takuya spoke, his breath was heavy and the boy was slightly sweating from his own actions. Behind him followed a police officer who quickly handcuffed the man and dragged him to stand up, ignoring his complains about the pain he just received from Takuya's kick.

Chifuyu looked to his right side to notice Takemichi, Akkun, Makoto, and Yamagishi snickering in an evil manner as they watched the man being dragged away.

"Woah." The flaming angry Mitsuya Takashi was left speechless with Draken letting loose of him also in shock and Mikey looking proud with sparkling eyes at Takuya who still glared at the man's back.

"That was epic!" Mikey exclaimed, the crowd around them cheered, which snapped Takuya back to his senses, making the boy blush at the cheers.

The Mizo Squad quickly rushed to him, jokingly punching and pushing the boy at his sudden heroic act.

"Look at you bursting into the scene like some kind Shounen lead!" Yamagishi exclaimed, making Takuya hide away his flushed face by looking down onto the ground.

"Proud of you." Akkun uttered, patting his friend at the back.

Kazutora looked to Chifuyu and Haruchiyo who looked surprised, with Yuzuha and Souya looking proudly at the scene.

"Why so shocked?" Kazutora asked.

"Well, you see, Takuya is someone who you really don't see express much annoyance or anger or even be that strong as much." Souya answered, although the question is for the two shocked ones. It was obvious enough that they weren't able to answer.

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