Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Almost an hour has passed, both Draken and Mikey continued to throw insults and passive-aggressive comments at each other.

At this point, Takemichi had already forgotten about his embarrassment from the poop incident in his home. Kazutora, Baji, and Chifuyu had eaten multiple snacks in the process of watching the duo argue.

In their opinion, it's much more entertaining to watch Draken and Mikey argue than watch a movie.

Baji groaned, "What are they even arguing about Takemichi? They're certainly taking their time to finish." He commented, the boy was too annoyed with all the noise.

"I'm not really sure if I should say what they're arguing about..." Takemichi shyly said.

"Tell us, Mitchy." Chifuyu smiled evilly, lightly hitting Takemichi's shoulder.

"I-I really can't-.."

"Come on, Takemichi, they're too busy to even notice or hear whatever you're gonna tell us." Kazutora joined in Chifuyu's evil plan to make the boy talk.

"Guys!" Mikey exclaimed.

"He doesn't need to tell us anymore since they're finally acknowledging our presence now," Baji spoke, "What is it Mikey?"

"Help us decide where Ken-chin can take Emma on a date!" Mikey exclaimed even louder than before, Draken hushed the shorter boy, his cheeks and ears are noticeably red.

"Okay...that's it?" Baji raised a brow, his reaction towards their argument only angered the two.

"What do you mean that's it?!" Draken exclaimed, punching the wall next to him.

"Woah! Please chill the fuck down! You're lucky Ma isn't here, because broken or not she'll kick your sorry ass for punching her wall." Baji stated, the mention of his mother managed to calm the two down and made them scoot away from the walls.

"They're that scared of Mrs. Baji huh..." Kazutora chuckled.

"Okay everyone settle down, let's list our places and ideas for a date. Shall we?" Baji announced, which everyone followed the boy's instructions and went to his room to discuss their plans.


"What do you mean all our ideas are boring as shit?!" Baji slammed his hands on his spare table in his room.

An hour has successfully passed and all their ideas were dropped or dismissed by both Draken and Mikey, the two claimed they were too 'boring' or 'cliché'. Baji is currently sulking while the other three were too tired to even think of other ideas to give the picky duo.

Kazutora managed to take a break by taking a bath in the middle of the hour, although his mind quickly stopped working after he came back out to hear them still talking about date ideas.

"So that's why you guys had a heated argument about this..." Kazutora touched his forehead, he felt heated, his brain functioned too much today.

Takemichi sighed, the boy went through his pocket to open his unread messages that he forgot to check earlier on due to the multiple ideas he had but were still dismissed. The boy paused for a moment before tapping Chifuyu who seemed like his soul was gone.

"Chifuyu." Takemichi whispered.

"What." He responded.

"Look at this." Takemichi handed over his phone to Chifuyu who sloppily accepted it.

"Don't drop it idiot!" Takemichi whispered quite loudly, luckily his phone didn't drop nor did the rest hear him.

Chifuyu rolled his eyes, his drained energy soon changed as he read the message.

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