Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Soon enough, the three boys were all over Baji Keisuke's room. Two sleeping bags on the floor, lights slightly dim, and boys ready for stories with comfortable clothing.

"Alright, what's with the Kawata twins?" Chifuyu asked, blowing a strand of his hair that managed to escape from his tiny ponytail.

Kazutora hugged a pillow that he stole from Baji's bed, also anticipating Baji's answer to Chifuyu's question.

"Okay, basically out of no where, some guys and girls started giving them letters or some sort like a few days ago." Baji responded.

"Love letters?" Kazutora raised a brow, glancing at Chifuyu who did not look amused.

"No surprised. They all probably planned to go down together because they're afraid of Smiley." Chifuyu said, Kazutora then glanced over to Baji who nodded.

"Yeah, that's what Souya guessed. Although, Nahoya looked so flustered when he was telling the story!" Baji chuckled, re-thinking of the scene.

"The Kawata Nahoya?! Flustered? No way!" Chifuyu exclaimed, Kazutora only became more interested as he listened and watched the two boys' reaction side by side.

"I know! The man's cheeks were as pink as his hair." Baji noted.

"Well did they accept any of the confessions though?" Kazutora asked.

"They didn't, I don't think they're interested at the moment." Baji added, comfortably leaning against his extra two pillows that were resting behind him.

Chifuyu sighed, he smiled at the thought of the twins receiving that kind of attention, "I bet Angry had more confessions."

"You're right, he's surprisingly a better heartthrob than his psychotic older brother." Baji stated.

"Not surprisingly. Smiley has good perks, but he scares people away, not on purpose sometimes, but people had to find out the hard way on which ones the nicer twin in their school." Chifuyu snorted.

"What happened?" Kazutora asked.

"When they were around like in first year high school, some upperclassman mocked Toman and people were surprised that the angry looking twin was the one trying to hold back the smiling twin from beating up that senpai any further." Baji laughed at the memory, following Chifuyu who managed to hold his laugh.

"Huh. That's expected-ish?" Kazutora could not form any proper words nor does he know what to react to the 'gossip' he just consumed in his mind.

"Anyways, what's up with Hakkai and Mitsuya by the way?" Baji questioned, tightly grabbing one of his pillows and squeezing the air out of it.

"Same old, although Mitsuya probably likes him back." Chifuyu added, crossing his arms as he proudly announced his gossip of the day, probably even gossip of the year for him.

"Oh that? Kinda noticed." Baji chuckled at the two boy's reaction from a poker face and a proud looking one to them being in disbelief.

"No way you knew though!" Chifuyu exclaimed, the younger boy was going through five stages of grief. How come he didn't notice any sooner?

"Mikey, Draken, Pah-chin, Mucho, everyone else probably already noticed it waaayyy before." Baji noted, secretly enjoying Chifuyu's sadness and Kazutora's confusion.

"You're lying." Kazutora added.

"Yeah I am, although I did notice way before!" Baji laughed, also using his squeezed pillow as a defense from Chifuyu's light kicks.

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