Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Tokyo will finally be mine!" South barged towards Brahman's boss, a fist forming on his hand, Senju was quick to react, protecting her face using her arms to serve as a shield from the Rokuhara's punch.

"Senju!" Kazutora exclaimed, coughing out more blood in the process. Izana quickly ran to support the younger boy up on his feet again.

Senju managed to protect her face, the impact of the hit threw her off by a few, finally letting her arms loose again, wiggling them to prepare for her own comeback, her eyes glared at her bigger opponent, "You'll need the strength of a hundred men to stop me."

"Bring it on, Brahman's boss!" South laughed like a maniac, running up to the girl to throw another punch but missed by a few inches, giving Senju a chance to strike the man's face using her kicks which successfully landed, making South stumble from the impact.

Izana watched the scene happen, he was in awe of the new generation's strength, yet his focus needed to be shifted away from the Tokyo leaders, "Ran carry that blonde kid!" Izana instructed, pointing at Chifuyu. Ran quickly complied to.

Izana turned back to Kazutora whose eyes were fluttering shut, the older shook him, waking him up once more, "Kazutora! I need you to stay awake for me."

Kazutora coughed out more blood, his whole body felt weak and numb, "Izana-san, thank you..." He whispered. Izana could only force a smile and nod at the younger boy, he couldn't say anything else, the state he was in was already severe from the strong blows he received and endured.

"Izana!" Ran yelled, taking another breath before shaking Chifuyu again, "This kid is barely breathing!"

Kazutora's chest felt at itch, an unusual pain that stung deep, he quickly looked up to look at the blonde boy that hanged lifeless on Ran's shoulder, his eyes were becoming blurry again, tears forming.

"C-Chifuyu!" Kazutora exclaimed, letting go from Izana's grip, his legs felt pain like no other from every move that he made, he felt like he was made out of rubber from the amount of shaking and unbalancedness.

Kazutora dropped in-front of Ran, his eyes pleading at the older boy squinted his eyes, a hesitant to even utter a word, "I'm sorry kid." He finally mouthed making Kazutora's eyes widen, more tears falling down his bruised and swollen cheeks.

"No.." Kazutora won't accept it.

His breath felt heavy, Kazutora was unsure what to feel, his chest felt like it was being twisted, tossed around inside, he was afraid, angry, and sad. It was placing an unnecessary amount of pressure, slowly making its way up to his head, spreading through his whole body.

The bleached head glanced up, suddenly he couldn't hear anything, he could hear distant voices but he couldn't distinguish any of them, then, a ring came flooding his hearing. It hurt his head, he clenched his stomach, it made him feel nauseous all of a sudden.

"Terano South.." He looked up, seeing Senju still standing yet she was struggling, she was bleeding out, running out of breath, yet South seemed to stand tall, unparalleled.

His eyes were greeted by flashing red and blue lights that appeared close.

"Took em' long enough!" Rindou looked away from his opponent, in search of the 'men of justice' to finally end the fighting.

"Watch your opponents Haitani number two!" His opponent was ready to attack the younger Haitani, picking up a rock to use as the main force to bring the Haitani down. Rindou turned to face his opponent again, only to be pushed away by the younger Kawata who managed to save him from getting hit.

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