Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"No," Chifuyu added. Earning a bigger smirk from Takemichi who had a menacing and mischief look planted all over his face.

"Sleep with two eyes open, Hanagaki Takemichi," Chifuyu thought, and a few hundred of plans to perhaps murder the other blonde in his sleep.

Eventually, Takemichi was able to let go of catching his partner drilling holes at the other guy who's name is not Hanemiya Kazutora. Time went on faster than the former gang expected, not only did everyone leave with and without saying their goodbyes, specifically Haruchiyo who had originally excused himself for a bathroom break and his former-captain who followed.

The two were mysteriously swayed away by the wind, the gang joked.

"Will you guys be good being left alone here?" Senju questioned the trio: Chifuyu, Kazutora, and a sneering Baji that eyed the two next to him.

"Yup, don't worry about us," Kazutora added, all three of them eventually waved their goodbyes to Senju and Takemichi. They could hear their faint conversations about possible gifts for Tachibana Hinata. Senju wanted to help surprise Hinata with Takemichi with a pretty and unique gift.

Kazutora snickered at Senju's suggestions, he didn't want to admit it but her suggestions were way too off the charts. Jewelry and all the expensive things she suggested, not one Takemichi could afford but was willingly listening to Senju blabber away gift ideas for Takemichi's beloved girlfriend.

"Senju's too expensive for our own good, you guys heard what she's been suggesting to Takemichi earlier?" Baji said, the two who sat next to each other turned their heads to him.

Chifuyu sighed, smiling at his former-captain's nosiness, "Why were you even eavesdropping in the first place?"

"To be honest, when she started talking about jewelry, I couldn't help but listen in too myself," Kazutora admitted, making Baji's smile widen. He was glad he wasn't the only who was eavesdropping and shocked from the suggestions. No high-schooler except, probably the Akashis could afford such a gift at that age.

"You were eavesdropping too ya know, I saw ya!" Baji exclaimed, angrily pointing a finger at Chifuyu who only avoided the two boys' gazes.

"...was not.." Chifuyu whispered, looking anywhere but the two boys staring at him.

Kazutora could feel Baji's glare being aimed at poor Chifuyu, "That's enough you two," He sighed, sparing the two boy's on both of his sides a glance, "also shouldn't we get going by now though?"

Chifuyu's eyes traveled their surroundings, it was getting late, the sun is already down and the moon is rising. It was also quiet, which was unusual, "Yeah, maybe we should get going," He stood up, the two older boys followed his actions.

"Since we're riding on my bike, Chifuyu you in the middle, and Kazutora suffer on the back," Kazutora froze, "I'd rather drag my ass all the way home, you're a despicable driver,"

Baji sneered at the boy, "Dumbass, you're living with me and Ma now,"

Kazutora's eyes widened, "Who said?"

"Me and Ma,"

Chifuyu wouldn't openly admit it, but the Kazutora's eyes lit up even more than it already did in the beginning. Luckily, earlier all of Toman agreed to let Baji tell Kazutora the news of him no longer living alone.

His parents and him did not have the best relationship, so he left long ago and was officially kicked out when he got into Juvie.

"Ah, okay then," Kazutora hid his smile, although it was all visible to the two boys who couldn't help but smile with him.

"I'll take that as a thank you for now," Baji thought, happily hopping away to his bike as the two followed behind him.

Uncomfortably, Kazutora sat on the very back while the rested in-front of him.

"Oy Kei! Why the fuck is your passenger thing broken?" Kazutora yelled, he knows how careless and wild Baji can get while riding his bike. There's nothing safe to hold onto anymore.

"Ah, that broke cause some stupid guys from another gang a few months back messed with it and ended up breaking it," He said, placing on his helmet and starting his engine.

"Where am I supposed to-.."

Kazutora was not given the privilege to continue his sentence, Toman's despicable bike rider went off in full speed as soon as his engines started. Kazutora closed his eyes and forcefully held onto Chifuyu's waist. His hands were tightly hugging his waist for dear life, his head ended up laying on Chifuyu's back.

"Soft.." He thought, his cheeks relaxing against the soft and warm fabric of Chifuyu's sweater. Kazutora inhaled the smell of cinnamon with the strong smell of cat food being mixed in, he couldn't but feel relaxed, wrapping himself around the younger boy's body.

The whole ride, his eyes remained closed. His grip did not loose whatsoever, it only tightened as every second went by. "Despicable man," Kazutora thought.

Eventually the cold wind stopped kissing their skin as they finally arrived to their destination, Kazutora felt dizzy and was unable to let go. Chifuyu was warm, so he also held onto him for warmth due to the coldness that brushed their skin the whole ride.

"We're here, you can let go now Kazutora," Chifuyu lightly tapped Kazutora's hands that still remained tightly wrapped around his waist.

Kazutora's reaction was probably faster than Baji's speed earlier, his face also heated at the same pace, "Yeah! Sorry about that Chifuyu,"

"It's fine don't worry much about it, I'll see you guys tomorrow? Mom will kill me if I don't run up now," The blonde boy bowed and hurried up the apartment as fast as he could. Leaving the two older boys to wave goodbye at his back.

"He lives here too?" Kazutora asked, Baji swore he could see puppy ears growing on his friend.

"Yeah, why ask?" Baji lifted a brow.

Kazutora shook his head and proceeds to stare at his bare hands, slightly shaking from the cold he only started to fully feel due to holding onto Chifuyu's warmth.

"Wow.." Was all Kazutora gathered to say, still his eyes were strangely connected to his hands as his cheeks continued to heat in bright red.

"What the actual hell are you doing?" Baji was terrified, "Is he actually losing it?" Was what repeated in the boy's mind.

"His upper body..hidden under all the fabric.." Kazutora uttered, his eyes still connected to his hands, close and opening them every now and then, "He's surprisingly very mascular," He paused, processing the words that came out of his mouth. His eyes widening and his panicked gaze quickly turned to Baji who seemed rather unfazed by his friend's words.

"So what you're trying to say is you felt his ab-,"

"You heard nothing or I'll tell Auntie you're a reckless driver," Kazutora started marching to the stairs.

"Why are you even shocked? He was the first-division vice captain for a reason ya know!" Baji yelled, following to the stairs, "Also why are you threatening me!"

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