Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Oy Tora, it's your turn!" Baji finally finished his 'quick' bath. Although the two boys waiting for his grand return wouldn't call that quick at all, he definitely took his time to freshen up.

"That was quick," Kazutora spoke, quickly grabbing one of the towels and his spare clothes with him to the bathroom. Chifuyu silently chuckled from the hinted sarcasm.

Baji rolled his eyes, he already took his clothes with him and was probably one of the reasons why he took his time. He had to dry himself in there in order to wear his clothes, not to mention his long hair takes a while to dry as well.

The shower was finally heard running, Baji sat next to Chifuyu amused by the focused boy, (he was still stuck on the same page).

"Hey Chifuyu, did anything happen while I was refreshing up?" He lightly pushed the boy, luckily not strong enough for Chifuyu to fall on his side.

Chifuyu's eyes averted to Baji's, which he has shown an expression of judgement towards his most infamous idol, "What do you mean, Baji-san?" He knew what Baji meant, his eyes going back to the manga.

"Stop acting all gullible!" Baji exclaimed, the younger boy was quick to turn his gaze to the same manga chapter he was reading when Kazutora was in the room with him.

"I'm surprised you even know that word,"

"Damn, who hurt you today?" Baji glared at the younger boy, who's eyes slowly looked at him in disbelief.

"No one," his attention drew back to the same page that he was unknowingly stuck on.

"Uhuh.." Baji wasn't dumb, at least he wasn't that dumb. He already noticed that the blonde boy has been staring at the same page of the male and female lead sitting beside each other on a cold and quiet night.

"Do you get deja vu from that?"

"What do you mean?" Chifuyu raised a brow.

"Nothing. Anyways, so what do you think about him?" Baji happily hugged a pillow, eager to hear Chifuyu's response. Still, the younger boy didn't dare to even spare a glance at him.

Baji sighed, "Is he anything you expected from our stories and the letters he wrote us?" He added.

Chifuyu cleared his throat, "Not really," he paused, finally flipping a page from the manga he held.

"You all told us that he was a fierce fighter, which I can tell was true by the look of his hands being all bruised from past scars,"

Chifuyu flipped another page, which showed the main character's younger self, endulged by the midnight sky,

"Stars.." Chifuyu spoke, mesmerized by the scene and how beautifully it was drawn.

"What?" Baji looked at the younger boy in disbelief, he couldn't comprehend if he's gonna answer the question or not.

Chifuyu blinked, finally closing the manga and his gaze turning to Baji, "He's a lot softer than what I what imagined and-"

Their conversation was interrupted by the bathroom door creaking.

The two boys turned their attention to Kazutora who came out without a shirt, matching with denim ripped jeans, looking irritated.

"Kei can I borrow a shirt? The floor was all fucking wet from the water dripping and my shirt fell on it,"

Chifuyu gulped at the sight, he gained a clearer view of the older boy's neck tattoo, his eyes then examined his toned body with a few old scars that are already healed.

"Yeah sure, just go through my closet right now and pick out whatever," Baji smiled, he was happy. Happy to have witness this scenery, live, he can already predict the younger boy's thoughts who sat quietly next to him.

"Okay thanks," Kazutora quickly went to open Baji's small closet that contained a few shirts that he could potentially borrow.

Yet again, Chifuyu was left shocked. The older boy's back muscles were revealed, he also noticed the boy's shoulders are also quite broad.

Chifuyu was left speechless, he had to secretly pinch himself to see if he was dreaming or not.

"Do you mind if I borrow this?" Kazutora took out a plain white t-shirt that had a small black moon printed on it's right side.

"Nope, go for it,"

The two boys sitting quietly next to each other, with two very visible and different expressions glued onto their face, watched Kazutora carefully put on one of Baji's shirt that Baji actually only wore once or thrice.

Also grabbing a black hairtie from his pocket, tying his hair into a small bun with him leaving strands on each side.

Kazutora tucked in the front of the shirt to his jeans and left the rest of it casually hanging. He finally turns to the two boys who sat with only a little distance from him.

Chifuyu's eyes quickly turned to the manga he was holding, while Baji raised a thumbs up, smiling proudly.

"What?" Kazutora didn't understand what Baji meant. Baji did not plan on giving him an explanation either.

"Nothing, go grab your jackets just in-case it rains. Also Chifuyu you left your maroon jacket here when you visited a week ago," Baji pointed at the same closet Kazutora borrowed from, they notice a maroon jacket hanging from a bright red hanger.

The jacket had a two pockets, with a small sun visible on the top left-side.

Kazutora removed the clothing from the hanger and passes the jacket to its rightful owner who catches the piece of clothing flawlessly.

"Ah, I thought this was missing," Chifuyu chuckled, setting down his manga and putting the jacket back on.

"Stupid, you left it after we did our homework," Chifuyu gave an apologetic look to Baji who jokingly glared at him.

"Also good thing your jacket matches my shirt, Tora! Or else you would be a fashion nightmare," Baji gladly sighed, holding his chest. He was afraid his handsome friend would look like a fashion disaster because of how long he's been in Juvie.

"Since when did you start caring about fashion?" Kazutora rolled his eyes.

"Since Mitsuya pointed out how uncoordinated my clothes are,"

"Ouch.." Kazutora looked away, he knew what that feels like. He remembers Mitsuya picking on him for going half-bald one time, it was worse than fighting stronger people.

"Well you did look a little bit silly back then.." Chifuyu added, earning a smack from Baji.

"Shut up!"

The two of them couldn't contain their laughter, Baji only felt betrayed once again from Kazutora and now, his former loyal vice-captain.

"Whatever! I'm going out, hurry up and get ready or Mikey will end us all!" Baji stomped out of the room, they both heard the front door close already.

"Yeah we should get going or Mikey will make us buy everyone's snack for today," Chifuyu finally stood up and rests the manga he held back onto a shelf where Baji kept some of his light novels.

Kazutora nodded, felt his pockets, making sure his phone and wallet was there. He followed Chifuyu on the way out, they greeted Baji's mom goodbye as she did the same. On their way out on the stairs, they notice Baji rushing back up.

"What did you forget this time?" Chifuyu looked back to see Baji catching his breath.

"My wallet!" Baji yelled, going back in his home. Kazutora and Chifuyu could hear Baji getting swore at for possibly almost slipping on the floor with all his running.

Kazutora sighed, "What an idiot," which Chifuyu mentally agreed.

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