Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Warning: This chapter will contain abuse, physical conflict (blood), mentions of spoilers from the manga for those Anime watchers. I recommend reading the manga first before proceeding to read this chapter, nonetheless, please enjoy!


"Call the police."

"What? Why?" Draken raised a brow, the rest of them all turned to each other for answers but they all seemed equally confused with Chifuyu running off and Kazutora's alert.

"Here!" Kazutora tossed the phone to Baji, the boys mobbed the raven-head to see the contents of the device. Mixtures of angry and panicked expressions could be seen from them all.

A picture of Chifuyu's mother in her workplace, up close.

"Are they blackmailing Chifuyu?" Takemichi's hands were shaking, his grip on his hand tightened as he watched Kazutora nod, the boy was also angry. They were all angry and panicked inside, but the same thought occurred.

"Rokuhara." Baji whispered a cuss afterwards.

"Call the cops, I'm going after him. Send me the address that they sent from his phone." Kazutora went to Baji's motorcycle, "I'm borrowing this, Kei."

"Wait Tora! It's too dangerous!" Mitsuya rushed to Kazutora, grabbing the boy by the arm before he could storm off to follow the younger blonde. He only looked at Mitsuya angrily, forcing his grip to loosen on him.

"We can't let him go alone! The police will take forever to arrive!"

"You guys follow him. We'll call the police and back-up." Izana noted, Baji and the rest nodded, handing over the phone to the tanned boy.

"I sent the address to you Kazutora, since your contact is already in his recent messages." Izana exclaimed, Kazutora nodded, Baji hopped onto the backseat with the others already settled onto their own bikes.

They wasted no time, driving off, usually at this speed, the boys would feel at peace, free from all the struggles that they've endured and are currently enduring. The wind blew in a strange warmth that didn't comfort their current anger and worries that slowly indulged them each second that passed by.

Blackmailing, murder, bloodshed, it was normal in the world of gangsters. People who couldn't fit in, people searching for meaning in fighting, dreams to become stronger or in the end, the strongest. The gang life was double sided indeed. Right now, they're experiencing the dark side of that free world.

Kazutora sped up, the others were quick to follow his speed, they knew the place where they're heading towards.

An isolated space, away from all the 'justice' workers, away from the law that supposedly protected people who were treated unfairly, where all gangs would gather for fights and meetings.

The abandoned train station.

Kazutora glared at the amount of motorcycles parked all around the rails and other corners, he and the rest hopped off their bikes, hearing the laughter and chatter from the other side of a specific train that took out half of the space with its unusual length. The train was off the tracks, it looked like it was purposely moved horizontally.

Mikey felt like punching someone already, but he knew he had to keep it cool or else a certain bleached head won't be able to. He already noticed the boy was full on ready to march on his own in enemy territory.

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