all star game pt. 3

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a/n~ hey again, know it's been a while but i'm back! this might be the last part of this one but we'll see. i'm sorry about being gone for so long but i needed some time off. i know this one is short but anyway i hope you enjoy!

It's a few days after the all star game and we're on our way back home. We decided to stay a few extra days for a nice vacation. Finally, after what feels likes forever we arrive back to our house. We get all the bags out of the car and into the house. I get to my room and put my bags on the floor before laying on my bed. I start to fall asleep when my phone goes off saying I got a text message.

I open it and it's from Jack. 'Are you back in Jersey yet? I swear I saw someone exactly like you unpack bags from their car.' He says. 'Yeah, I got home like half an hour ago.' I respond. He says that if it's alright he'll come pick me up and we can go out to dinner. I agree, send him my address and begin to unpack. I pick out some cute clothes, jeans, a crop top, and a black zip up, and get dressed.

My phone goes off again and I open it. 'You live right across the street from me. I'll come get you in 15?' He asks and I agree. Quickly I finish getting ready and head down into the living room before putting my shoes on. There's a knock at the door and my brother runs to it before I can. I walk up behind my brother and put my hands on his shoulders, scaring him. "Hi." Jack says with a smile on his face. "Hi Jack, are you ready?" I ask causing him to nod.

   I say goodbye to my parents and brother and walk out of the house, closing the door behind me. "I really didn't expect you to live across the street from me." He says laughing and opening the car door for me. "I didn't expect you to drive your car across the street to pick me up." I laugh in return. "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't?" He says and closes my door once I'm in. I watch him walk around the car and open his own door before starting the car.

   "Where do you wanna go for dinner?" He asks. "I really don't care. Whatever is fine." I respond. He nods and starts to drive through the city. "What kind of music do you listen too? You can put something on." He says, handing me the aux. "Oh um I listen to y/f/a." I say. I put on music and he sings along to the words causing me to laugh. We pull into this restaurant and get out of the car. We walk in and get seated at a table before talking some more.

   Our waiter comes over and eyes me before asking us what we want to drink. We order our drinks and food and the waiter looks at me once again. I look down at my hands on the table and play with my rings since he made me nervous and Jack notices. "Hey you're okay." He says and takes my hand to hold. The waiter comes back and Jack gives him a death glare. "Thanks." I say when he hands me my plate. "Of course babe." The waiter says.

   "Babe?" I ask starting to get a little aggravated. "Yep." He responds, "babe." He finishes. Just as I am about to go off Jack interrupts me. "As much as she can stand up for herself, we're all set so you can leave me and my girlfriend alone now." Jack says while rubbing my hand with his thumb. The waiter rolls his eyes and walks away. "I could've handled that." I say with a smirk on my face. "Oh I know but we don't want to cause a scene." He responds.

   It clicks in my head that he called me his girlfriend. "Jack?" I ask, which causes him to look up from his plate of food. "Did you call me your girlfriend?" I ask with a smile. "Well yes, but only so he would go away." He says panicking a bit. "Don't be nervous, it was cute." I say smiling causing him too as well. We finish eating and the waiter comes back over with the check. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience earlier." He apologizes before leaving.

   "Must have scared him." I say causing Jack to smirk. "Well let's get you home." He says. "Already?" I ask. "You have school in the morning pretty girl." He says while standing up and taking my hand once again. We walk out to the car and he opens the door for me once again. "I had a good time. Thank you." I say while looking over at him. He leans in and pecks my lips lightly taking me by surprise.

   Once I realize what just happened I decide to do it again but more passionate. After a few moments we pull away and Jack pulls out of the parking lot. He drives me home with his hand resting on my leg the whole time. We pull into my driveway, before I open the door I lean in and peck him one more time. "Goodnight Jack." I say before getting out of the car. He waits until I'm in the house to drive away and I run to my room after the best date ever.

word count: 940

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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