Fake Boyfriend

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I walk into school and to my locker. When I get there Jack my crush, is standing at my locker. "Hey Jack can I help you?" He looks over and someone then back at me. "I have this issue and I need help with it. So basically I really like Julia but she doesn't seem to notice. So maybe I could make her jealous by fake dating you." I look at him and it kinda hurts. Well now I know he doesn't like me. But I'll do anything for him so I'll do it. "Yeah sure, I'll do it." He smiles. "Great so I need your number." He hands me his phone and I type my number in. He walks away and I go into my locker. I walk to my first class which is gym. I go into the locker room and change. When I'm done I go out into the gym and people are shooting basketballs as a warmup. I grab a basketball and start to warmup. Jack walks over and puts his arms around my shoulders. "Okay so Julia is in this class so we have to act all cute and couplely." I nod and shoot another. As I go and grab my ball I turn and see Jack talking to Julia. Ouch, that hurts. Jack sees me looking and calls me over. I walk over and my heart is pounding. "Julia you know y/n right? Yeah we're dating now." "Aw you guys are so cute together!" That didn't work out as we thought it would. She turns and walks away. "That didn't go as planned." I nod and the school day goes on.
Time skip
It's the end of the day and I am walking home. I walk in the door and up to my room. I throw my bag on the ground and fall back onto my bed. My phone goes off and it's a text from Jack. 'Wanna go to the movies tonight at 6? Julia's going to be there with her friends.' I shoot back a sure sound fun and walk over to my school bag. I start to do my homework when I look at the time. 5:30. I close up all my books and binders and walk over to my closet. I change into ripped jeans and a crop top. I get a text from Jack saying he's here and walk out the door. "Hey y/n thanks for coming." I nod and look out the window. We pull into the parking lot and go inside. We see Julia going into the theatre doors and we follow. Throughout the whole movie I see Jack looking over at Julia. But he has his arm around me. Tears start to brim in my eyes. "Hey Jack I'm going to the bathroom." He nods and get up. I walk into the bathroom, go into a stall and cry. I hear the door open and someone walk in. I wipe the tears and walk out of the stall. Of course it's Julia. I tear falls down my face and she sees it. She walks out of the bathroom. I wipe off my face and walk out only to see Jack walking down the hallway. He has a worried look in his eyes as he gets up to me. "Julia said you were crying are you okay?" "Yeah I'm okay." We walk back into the theatre and sit down. But now Jack doesn't look at Julia, he is holding me tight and not focused on anything else. After the movie Jack gives me home. I go to get out of the car but Jack holds me back. "Could we maybe kiss? And I'll post it so Julia can see?" I don't really want to but I want him to be happy. I nod and we lean in. Our lips touch and he takes the picture. I say goodnight and walk out of the car. I walk into my room and lay on my bed. I start to cry and wait for the next day.
Time skip
I walk into school and see Jack and Julia talking. I hope they didn't see me and walk to my locker. They walk past me talking. "Julia I don't know how much longer I can do this. It's actually hurting the girl. She's been crying a lot, can this just be done?" Jack walks over to me. "Y/n I'm sorry for making you cry. I only did this because I like you. Julie thought it would be a good idea to pretend to like her so I could make you jealous but it did more than just making you jealous, it actually hurt you. I'm so sorry." I hug him and he hugs back. "I like you too Jack." "So will you be my girlfriend? For real this time." I nod and he pulls me into a kiss.

Word count: 839
A/n~ Hey guys sorry this one is kinda short but I hope you enjoyed!

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