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It's 9am and my ankle is hurting bad. I get up and try to walk downstairs. My ankle gives out and I fall to the bottom of the stairs. I am crying and my mom comes running downstairs to me. "What happened?" "My ankle hurts so I was trying to come downstairs to get Advil but when I did I felt something tear in my ankle and I fell. I think I need to go to the hospital." My mom runs to get her keys and helps me up. She opens the door and we go to her car. She helps me in and then she gets in. We go to the emergency room and tell them what happened. They get me a wheelchair and take me back to a room. The do a X-ray on my ankle and then let my mom back. She comes and sits down on the phone. I don't know who she's talking to but it must be someone we know. "Yeah I'm at the hospital with y/n. We can't make it to dinner tonight I'm sorry." She hangs up and looks at me. "That was Ellen, I told her that we're here and probably can't make it to dinner." I completely forgot we were going to the Hughes's house for dinner. They doctor comes back. "Good news it's not broken. Bad news is you tore the CFL (calcaneofibular ligament) in your ankle. That means no physical activity. We are going to keep you here for today and see how it looks by the end of the day." Well at least it's not broken. A nurse comes back and puts a brace looking thing on my ankle and puts it up on a blue piece of foam. I lay back and look at my mom. "Hopefully it'll heal soon." I get a call from Jack so I answer it:
On the phone
Jack- Hey y/n I heard you were at the hospital are you okay?
You- Hi Jack. I'm okay I tore my CFL though. Their keeping me here for the day.
Jack- That sucks maybe we'll come and see you.
You- That would be awesome. Maybe I'll get released in time and we can still have dinner.
Jack- Don't worry about dinner y/n. We just want to make sure your okay.
You- Thank you Jack that's very sweet
Jack- Of course! Okay I have to go but see you later
You- Okay bye
End of call
"Who was that?" I look at my mom and she's smiling. "Mom you know who it was. It was Jack checking in. He said they might come here." She smiles and goes on her phone. I decide to go to sleep because I woke up early.
Time skip
When I wake up I see the Hughes family. Quinn is the first one to see me awake and he walks over. "Hey little one. How you feeling." "Quinn I'm two years younger than you. But I'm okay." He laughs and Jack walks over. "Hey y/n. You look tired. Jeez you look rough and mean with that thing on your leg." Everyone laughs and Ellen says for everyone to come by me so she can take a picture.

" Everyone laughs and Ellen says for everyone to come by me so she can take a picture

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She takes the picture and once she does the doctor walks in. "Hello everyone. You've got quite the crew y/n. Well we are letting you go but no physical activity at all. No walking on it, no jumping, no sports. Here's some crutches." He hands me the crutches and walks out. "Sorry Mrs. Hughes we might be late for dinner. See I had this accident." Everyone laughs and we all are ready to leave. I get up but fall back into the bed. Jack walks over and helps me up. "Thank you. I have a feeling your going to be helping me a lot." "And doing stuff for you." We laugh and walk out behind everyone else. He helps me into my moms car and goes to his. We drive home and we walk inside. My dad is sitting on the couch and looks at us. "Well it's not broken but I tore my CFL." He nods and I try to go upstairs. "Could someone help me please." My mom walks over and helps me up the stairs. I get to my room and pick out a nice outfit even through we're only going across the street for dinner.

 I get to my room and pick out a nice outfit even through we're only going across the street for dinner

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I put it on and brush my hair. I put on light makeup and grab my crutches and phone. My mom helps me downstairs and out the door. We walk across the street to their house and I stay outside with the boys as my parents go inside. Jack stops playing hockey and goes in the garbage. He comes back out with a chair and puts it behind me. "Sit down." I laugh and he takes my crutches. He puts the behind the net. "Hey what if I want to get up?" "You're not getting up unless we go inside. And when we do I'll get them for you." Quinn walks over and sits next to me. "He's gonna take good care of you while your like this." He gets up and goes back to playing hockey. Y/f/n FaceTimes me.
On the phone
Y/f/n- Hey why didn't you call me this morning?
You- I was in the hospital. I tore my CFL in my ankle.
Y/f/n- Where are you now? You better be sitting.
You- Don't worry Jack has everything covered. He's not letting me do anything by myself.
Y/f/n- Good. I love you get better soon love.
End of call
Jack walks over with my crutches. I look at him confused. "We're going inside." I nod and look at him. "I need some help." He pulls me up and gives me my crutches. We walk inside and the food is on the table. "I was just about to call you guys inside. We all sit down and Jack puts my crutches somewhere. "Well Jack I see your taking good care of my daughter." I laugh and look at him. "He won't let me do anything." "Doctors orders." We all laugh and finish eating. When we're done the boys and I agree to go into Jacks room. Jack gives me my crutches and helps me up. When we get to the stairs Jack gives Luke my crutches and picks me up. "I can walk up stairs." "How did you tear your CFL?" I roll my eyes and we go into his room. He sets me down on his bed and puts pillows under my ankle to raise it. I lean against his wall and we all start to mess around. "Let's play truth or dare!" We all agree and start to play. Quinn asks me first. "Truth or dare y/n?" "Truth since I can't do anything." "Well you could pick dare. I'd just have to give you something you can do right there." I nod and end up picking dare. "Okay y/n I dare you to... kiss Jack." "Are you serious? Your like 13 again." "Just do it." I look at Jack and he moves closer to me. We both lean in and kiss. He's really good at kissing! Wait. That was my first kiss! We pull away and I look at Quinn. "Done." He smirks at me. "What?" He turns his phone around and it's y/f/n. "Well you see, a little birdie told me you haven't had your first kiss yet sooooo, now you have and it was with Jack!" Jack looks at me in shock. "That was your first kiss? You had your first kiss with me?" I nod and he gets up dancing around the room. "What are you doing goofball? Is that because you were my first kiss?" Ellen and my mom open the door. Oh no. "My babygirl had her first kiss!" "And it was with my Jack!" Jack and I look at each other and I am so embarrassed. "Okay mom I'm 18 what did you expect? You're lucky I can't get up." We laugh. They close the door. "Mom!" She walks back in. "You better not tell dad because he will freak out." She smirks and closes the door. Jack sits back down and looks at me. "What?" He smiles and nudges my shoulder. "You better enjoy it now because it's not gonna last long." The boys all look at me. "Have none of you met my dad? He's way overprotective of me." They all look at the door and my dad walks in. "Y/n, Jack. I understand you two have kissed. Now you probably think I'm mad but, I'm happy. Jack you have my blessing to date my daughter." He walks out and closes the door. "Who was that because that wasn't my dad." We all laugh and Jack stares at me. "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" I smile and hug him. "I'll take that as a yes.

Word count: 1541
A/n~ Thank you for reading! I know I just updated but I haven't in a few days so here you go! Stay safe!

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