Life Saver

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⚠️Warning: This includes harmful parts⚠️
I work at a food vendor in the Prudential Center. It's just another day at work and I am just getting up. I don't have to be at work super early in the morning which is a good thing because I hate getting up. I get up and reach for my phone. It's noon and the game today is at five which means I have to be there by four. I get up and but my hair in a quick bun. I open my curtains and go downstairs to eat. I see a note on the fridge and that usually means that my parents went somewhere. I go to the fridge and read the note, ' Good Morning sweetie, your dad and I went to the store and then we have to go into work. We will drop the groceries off at the house when we're done. Love you, mom.' I put the note down on the counter and grab a bowl. I pour cereal and milk into the bowl and eat it. When I'm done I put my bowl in the sink and go upstairs. I get in the shower and do everything I have to do. When I get out I put on my uniform and brush my hair. I pull my hair back into a ponytail and brush my teeth. When I'm done I look at the clock and it's three. The Prudential Center is half an hour from my house and I want Starbucks. I grab my bag and everything I need and walk downstairs. My mom and dad comes in just when I was at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey mom and dad. They have a early game today so I have to go but I will put those away when I get home." "Don't worry about it y/n I will take care of it." I walk out the door and get into my car. I pull out of the driveway and head to Starbucks. I get my drink and pull out of the parking lot. Now I head to the arena so I can open up. When I get to the arena I park my car and grab my bag and drink. I walk into the arena and start to head upstairs. When I get to the top of the steps I see a man standing in the middle of the floor which is really weird. No fans should have entered yet. I walk back down the stairs and hear someone behind me. I start to head over to the security desk and I feel a hand grab my wrist. I turn around and it's this guy. He pulls me to the locker rooms and walks into the Devils locker room. Okay the guys should be coming hopefully I'm not dead. This guy brings me over to the shower area. "Sit down and don't move or make a sound." I sit down and start to cry but I try to hold in all the screams I want to let out right now. This guy grabs something out of his bag but I can't see what. He turns towards me and points a gun at my head. I start to cry even more knowing this is the end for me. "We could make this easy or we could make this hard." I look to the door and see it open. "You look at me when I am talking to you." He slaps me in the face it's so painful but I keep quite. I can already tell I have a red handprint on my face. I see legs walking to one of the corners and they but a bag down. Yes it's a player. The guy picks up the gun and points it towards me again. The pair of legs walks over and stands behind the guy. He punches the guy and the gun falls to the floor along with the guy. I curl up into a ball and just sob. "Hey your okay y/n, it's Jack. I'm here now, I called security and they will be here any second." I feel a hand on my arm and I flinch away. "Hey look at me. You're okay now I'm not going to hurt you." He picks me up and sits down with me on the floor away from the guy. I curl into him and he hold me tight. The door opens and I assume it's security. "Is she okay? We'll get this guy out of here and in jail." Jack lifts my head up and looks at my face. "Did he slap you?" I nod and wipe away some tears. Jack tries to touch my face but I grab his hand. "No it hurts really bad." I feel so small and powerless. I can't stand up. I don't even have the power to even move by myself. Somebody else walks in and puts a bag down. It's the a guy from the teams medical staff. He walks over and sits on the floor next to Jack and I. He looks at my face and gets up. He walks over to his bag and grabs something. He comes back over and sits down. "I'm going to put gauze over the handprint so people won't know okay. And I'm going to bandage up your arms." I haven't even noticed but there are so many scratches on my arms. Probably from being pulled and thrown around like a doll. Jack takes one of my hands and hold it while the doctor starts to clean the cuts on my other arm. I squeeze Jacks arm and bury my head into him. More players from the team start to walk in and ask what happened. And then my uncle walks in, Kyle Palmieri. He drops his bag and runs to me. "What happened? Who did this? Do your parents know?" The medic grabs my other arm and Jack holds the other hand. I wince as the medic cleans my cuts. "This g-g-guy tried t-to kill me. I don't know w-who it was. No they don't. I would have been d-dead if Jack didn't come in here and knock the guy o-out." He nods and grabs his phone. He calls my dad, his brother, and hands the phone to me.
On the phone
"Hi d-dad."
"Hey hunny, what's up? Are you okay?"
"No I'm not okay. I almost died."
"What do you mean? In a car accident?"
"No. I was walking up to my food place and this guy was standing there. So I turned around to try and get security but he grabbed me and pulled me into the Devils locker room. He pulled out a gun and when I didn't look at him he slapped me. Then he was going to shoot me when Jack knocked him out."
"Y/n I'm glad your okay, did he leave any marks? Wait Jack who?"
"I have cuts all over my arms and his handprint on my face. Jack Hughes, dad."
"Did the police get him yet?"
"Me and your mom are on our way now. Let me talk to your uncle please."
"Okay bye dad, I love you"
"I love you too"
End of call
"He wants to talk to you." The medic finishes and walks out of the room. I look at my arms and see how much bandages are on them. Holy crap. I take out my phone and look at my face. "Thank you Jack. If it wasn't for you I'd be dead. Now I get to live my life." I hug Jack and he hugs back so tight. "Live your life happily y/n." "Now I can't work." Jack looks at me confused. "We can't work if we're injured. It's a rule. Now I have to go back home." Jack shakes his head and picks me up. He sits me down in his little locker-ish thing. "Stay and watch the game. We could probably get you a good seat." My parents walk through the door. I can tell my mom had be crying and my dad is really stressed. "My babygirl! Oh my goodness look at you. I'm so glad your okay. Thank you Jack, I don't know what I would do without her." She hugs me and squeezes me so tight. "Mom I'm okay and alive. You don't have to worry anymore." My dad walks over and hugs me. "Dad, I love you." "I knew you were strong enough to take anything that life throws at you." My phone starts to ring and it's my best friend. Of course she FaceTimed me.
On the phone
"Y/f/n? Is everything okay?"
"Look at you, why are you asking me that. You look like you were about to die."
"Y/f/n that's because I was."
"What! My best friend was gonna die! Who did this because I will find them and beat them up so hard!"
"They are in jail now."
"Did you beat them up?"
"No he beat me up first. But Jack beat them up pretty hard."
"You were saved by Jack? Who's Jack again?"
"Jack Hughes, this guy." I pull Jack into the frame
"He saved you? Thank you so much Jack. This is my best friend and I can't live without her."
"Okay y/f/n I'm alive and I have to go. I love you so much."
"I love you more!"
End of call
"Mom, dad could I stay for the game?" They look at each other than at me. "But you don't have a ticket." My uncle walks in holding a ticket. But it's not a normal ticket. "What kind of ticket is that?" He laughs and hands it to me. "It's a ticket that gets you next to the bench and there's no glass in between!" "I'm sorry what?" "You are sitting with the medic. So you will basically be in the bench." I smile and get up to hug him. It takes a while but I get over to him. While they all get ready I am sitting with the medic. The players come out to warm up and they all fist bump me.
Skip to the end of the game
The Devils won 2-1! I wait for Jack to come out of the locker room. When he walks out I walk up to him. "So you saved my life, and I would like to repay you with dinner and ice cream." "Yeah, that sounds nice. Let's drive to my house so I can put my bag at home them we'll take your car?" I nod and we walk out of the arena together.

Word count:1812
A/n~ thank you for reading, I will do a part 2 soon! Stay safe!

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