Run Away

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⚠️some sensitive content⚠️suicide talk⚠️
I can't take this. My parents are arguing again. It's probably because of me too. I need to get away. I put a small bag together and climb out my window. I walk to the only place I know is safe. I take out my phone and look at the time, 9:40. The Devils game should be over by now and everyone should have left. I walk downtown and to the Prudential Center. I sit on one of the bench outside and see the traffic from the game start to disperse. I start to think, all of this has to be my fault. If I wasn't there maybe they would be happy instead of arguing all the time. I feel a tear slide off my face and hit my hand. I look down at my hands and start to silently cry. I hear a door open which means someone is coming. I wipe the tears off my face and look up to see a hockey player I'm assuming due to the bag on his shoulder. He walks past and as he does I can't help but start to cry again. This time a little louder. He stops and turns around looking at me. Shit. I look at him and he's walking back towards me. I don't even bother to wipe my tears or stop crying. "Hey are you okay?" He drops his bag down and sits next to me. "Does it look like I'm okay? Sorry I didn't mean to be rude." I look up at him and holy it's Jack Hughes. He lifts my head up and just looks at me. "What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" I look at my hands not answering. "Come on you can talk to me. You're obviously hurt or sad." "Okay, my parents are arguing and it's all my fault. They always do this and I always leave the house. This is where I come but usually there's not a game or anyone here. I can't take this anymore. I'm done there is nothing for me here." He doesn't say anything but instead pulls me into a hug. "There is so many things for you here. You seem so young. You have a life to live, there are people you care about you, people who love you. Your parents arguing is not your fault. None of this is your fault." "But it is Jack. All of this is. I should be gone, dead. Everything would just be better. Maybe I'll just kill myself." I start to put my bag on and grab my phone. He grabs my waist and pulls me to sit down. "Don't do it. I know life seems hard but it's not worth it. Everything will get better. If you kill yourself nothing will get better. Your parents will be hurt, your family and friends. And even me. Because I'll know I couldn't save a beautiful girl." "Jack when I die it's not your fault. It's mine. At this point nobody can save me." I get up and walk away. I walk to a bridge and stand at the top looking down. It's trees and green plants. I stand on the edge and know I have to. Just when I'm about to jump someone picks me up and brings me to safety. To the ground. I turn around and see Jack again. "Why would you do that? I was about to fix everything!" Tears are falling down my face and I fall to the ground. "I need to go Jack." He picks me up again and carries me to his car. He put me in the passenger seat and closes the door. He walks to the other side of the car and gets in. "I am not letting you die. You have a full life to live. You're gonna get married, and have kids, and your gonna have grandkids because you will live." I look out the window as we drive past where I was going to jump from. "Where do you live? I'm taking you home." I don't respond. He takes my phone and uses my thumb to get into it. He gets my moms contact and call her phone. "Hello, is this Mrs. y/l/n? I'm Jack Hughes and I have your daughter in my car. She was going to commit suicide." There was a long pause. "I am going to bring her home but I don't have the address. Okay thank you." He hands me my phone. "You didn't have to tell her what I was gonna do. Now she's gonna put me in some hospital." He looks at me and takes my hand. "I never got your name." "Y/n" " Okay y/n, talk to your mom about why you were going to jump. Tell her why you ran away. Tell her what you're feeling. Don't let life through you off." He squeezes my hand and pulls into my driveway. We get out of his car and walk up to my door. I open it and walk in. My mom come running to me and hugs me. "Y/n why would you do that? You know I love you and I don't know what'd I do if I lost you. Please don't ever do that again." Jack starts to walk out the door but I grab his hand. "Please stay a while." He nods and closes the door. My mom lets me go and walks to Jack. "Thank you for saving my girl. You are very kind." She hugs him and he hugs back. "Come on let's go sit down." We walk to the living room where my dad is. He turns his head towards me and starts to yell. "What the hell were you thinking! Running away to go kill yourself! I can't even imagine what goes through your mind kid!" I start to cry and run to my room. "Why would you yell at her like that! You can't have anything nice can you!" I hear someone running after me as my mom is screaming at my dad. I run into my room and close my door. I throw my bag and phone down on the ground and Jack walks in. "See? This is my fault." He shakes his head and walks over to me. I feel weak and fall into his arms. He catches me and picks me up. He walks us over to my bed and sits down. I'm sitting in his lap crying. I feel so small and like the world is against me. He wraps his arms around me and just holds me. My mom opens my door and walks in. "I'm so sorry sweetie. Jack could spend the night if he would like too. Me and your father are going to bed. Goodnight y/n I love you." She kisses the top of my head and walks out. Jack leans back against my wall with me still in his arms. "You can leave if you want. I know this isn't your ideal night after a game." "No I'll stay, I need to make sure your okay." I crawl out of his arms and under my blankets. I roll over so I'm facing him and he's just looking at me. He wipes the tears off my face and lays down next to me. "Y/n I'm so sorry this is the way you have to live. It's horrible." He starts to cuddle me and I feel safe in his arms. I fall asleep knowing I'm safe and Jack is here right now.

Word count: 1300
A/n~ Thank you for reading! I know this one is not made for everyone but if you read it I hope you enjoyed it! Stay safe people!

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