Best friend

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My best friend is Jack Hughes. He is literally the most amazing best friend that I could've ever asked for. But the thing is I've been starting to like him as more than a friend recently. And that's not good. We've been friends since we were two years old. I mean we live right next to each other so. He is just so sweet and nice and well cute no not cute hot. The only other person that knows I like him is my other friend y/f/n. She thinks I should tell him but I don't want to ruin the friendship.

~Jacks POV~
My best friend y/n is perfect. And not just as a friend. I've liked her for a while now. She's just amazing. She nice, funny, smart, adorable.      Y/f/n says I should tell y/n but I don't wanna tell her if it would ruin our friendship.

~back to your POV~
Today Jack and y/f/n are coming over. I am nervous because I really don't want y/f/n to say anything about me liking Jack. I am laying on my bed watching TikToks when I hear a knock on the front door so I get up and walk there. I open the door and see a smiling Jack. God he's so cute. We went to my room and he sat on my bed I went and laid down. My head was in his lap and he was playing with my hair. He's just looking at me and I'm looking at him. I hear the front door open and "Okay where are you bitch" of course just when everything is perfect y/f/n is here. I love her and all but she really comes at the worst time. I didn't want to move though so I didn't. She walks in my room and stands in my doorway mouth open. "OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!!!" Here we go. "She's cozy I'm not making her move" Jack says. He's so cute, I can't get over him. She winks in our direction and walks over to my chair and throws her stuff down. I laugh at that and Jack just looks at me with those perfect blue eyes. She stops talking and hit my leg. "Ow!!" I say while sitting up but stopping because Jacks face is very close to mine. I lay my head back down y/f/n says "Jack don't you have something you would like to say to y/n."
~Jacks pic~
Y/f/n is having me tell y/n I like her today. I'm nervous but excited at the same time.
~your POV~
He looks at her than at me "yeah I guess I do. Okay so basically I like you. And I have for a long time. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to ruin the friendship." I was in shock. "Jack you really like me because I mean I really like you too and I was afraid to say anything because I didn't want to ruin the friendship." Y/f/n is jumping up and down on my bed clapping her hands. Jack turns me so I'm looking at him he grabs my face and brings it closer to him. "Is this too much?" I shook my head and leaned in so our lips touched. We kissed for only a few seconds but it felt like forever. We pulled away and he looked at me in a way I've never seen him look at me before. "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Y/f/n poked her head in and winked than yelled "MY SHIP HAS SAILED HAHA y/b/n(your brothers name) OWES ME MONEY!!!" "Wait you bet on us?" I ask. Jack laughs and hugs me. "But to answer your question yes Jack I will be your girlfriend"

Word count: 651
A/n~ I wrote this one on the bus to school today so it's not the best but hope you liked it

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