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Here we go again. Yet another day at school. I am so not excited. My crush aka Jack Hughes aka my bully is in all my classes and his locker is next to mine.
I get up out of bed and get dressed in some ripped jeans and a hockey tournament hoodie. I grab an apple off the table and walk out the door.
I get to school and see my best friend y/b/n. She runs up to me and hugs me. We start to walk to my locker and of course Jack is at his.
"Just ignore him." Y/b/n says. I agree and walk up to my locker. To my surprise none of Jacks friends are there. I open my lock but can't get my locker door open. I ask y/b/n and she tries but fails. I was about to walk away when I hear someone say "Need some help with that peanut?" I knew I needed help but I really didn't want him to help me. "No I'm okay I didn't really need to get anything anyways." I started to walk away when I felt a hand on my wrist. "Peanut I know you need help and I can explain why I'm always so mean to you." I knew I wanted him to help me do a just agreed. "Fine, let me open my lock." We walked back over to my locker and I opened the lock. He got the door open and just looked at me. "What" I asked. "Do you wanna know why I'm so mean to you?" I nodded. "Okay this is a little difficult but I'm mean to you because I like you. I have since second grade honestly. My friends said I should tell you but I really didn't know how and I didn't want my feeling to be obvious. So I thought by being mean to you they would just go away. But it didn't work and now I call you peanut and my feeling are stronger than before." He looked away shyly. "Jack do you really like me? Like this is no joke." I didn't think this was real and it was probably just another stupid joke he's playing on me. "Y/n I'm being 100% serious I really do like you and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" I just stood there I didn't know what to say, I couldn't say anything. He looked away shyly. "Oh I get if you don't want to go out with me. I get how I'm so mean to you. I'm so sor-" I cut him off by kissing him. To my surprise he kissed back. "Jack I would love to be your girlfriend." And with that the bell rang for first period. We walked to first period holding hands. This is by far the best day literally ever.

Word count:505
A/n~ I hope you liked this, I will try and update as often as I can!!!

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