The game

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I am so excited for today!!! My best friend and I finally got tickets to the New Jersey Devils game! Now I love hockey, it is my favorite sport although I don't play it. It is my favorite thing to watch. Now most boys think that I only watch hockey for the players but that's not me. Ever since I was a baby I have been watching hockey. Now yes some players are cute like Jack Hughes. Omg I like him a lot and he's only a year older than me. I'm 17 btw. Anyways I slip on a pair of ripped jeans and throw on my Hughes jersey. I sit on my phone waiting to get the text that y/f/n is here. A few minutes later I get the text.
Y/f/n~ I'm outside hurry up
Y/n~okay calm down I'm coming out
Y/f/n~ good
End of texts
I tell my mom and dad I'm leaving and go out the door. I get into her car and she says "ooh your wearing Jacks jersey." I blush because I do like him a lot and I would do so much to meet him. But he's a nhl player and I would never be able to. We start driving. She turns on One Direction and we start singing and laughing. In no time we are at the arena and get out of the car. We go in and find our seats, which happen to be right behind the Devils bench! I totally freak out because y/f/n said we were sitting in the 300 section. She starts to laugh and I do too. We sit down and the players come out on the ice to warm up. I see Jack and smile and start to freak out. "Y/n calm down. I know you like him but chill." I laugh and go on my phone. I take a picture of y/f/n and I then take a picture of the ice. I look at the pictures and I really like the picture of us. Then I go to the next picture and in the picture it looks like Jack is looking at us! I show y/f/n the picture and she laughs. The players go in and get ready for the first period.
~little time skip~
It's now the second period and the Devils are losing 2-1. There's 5 minutes left and the Devils need to score. Just when I thought the Knights(the Las Vegas team) we're gonna score again Jack gets a break away! We all stand up in anticipation for him to score. He shoots the puck and makes it! "Omg did you see that it was an amazing goal!!!" I scream. When he skates to the bench to fist bump all the boys he looks in my direction and smiles. Wait no he can't be smiling at me, he probably just looked up. "Y/n he just smiled at you!" Wait she saw it? "Are you sure? He probably just looked up in our direction." She shook her head and we both went back to watching the game. What if he did smile at me? Just that thought gave me butterflies. The second period was over and as the players were going into the locker room Jack throws a puck over the glass and I catch it. I start to freak out because I just got a puck the he touched.
~time skip til the end of the third~
"The Devils just won!" I scream. "The game we came to see they won!" Y/f/n screams back. We walked out and took the stairs because it's was easier than going through all the people. Somebody bumps into me and I fall down a few stairs. Y/f/n runs down to me as I'm laying on the floor. "Somebody help! She just fell down the stairs!" I hear someone drop something and run down to where we are. I am hurting to bad to even open my eyes and I can hear y/f/n crying. I can hear and I am aware of everything but I can't open my eyes.
~Jacks POV~
I am coming out of the locker room and heading down the stairs when I hear someone screaming for help. I drop my bag and run to where I hear it. I see someone laying on the ground and a girl over them. When I get closer I see it's that gorgeous girl I saw and gave the puck to. The girl, I'm assuming her friend saw me and called 911. She was sobbing. The gorgeous girl laying on the floor didn't open her eyes. "Hey can you hear me? Everything is going to be okay. Your friend is calling 911 and I'll go to the hospital with you."
~your POV~
I am laying on the floor still and I hear someone talking but I can't figure out what their saying. The voice sounds like something I've heard before. I hear sirens and I feel like I'm being picked up. It's someone super strong so I assume it's the ambulance driver. I feel dizzy and everything goes black.
~time skip~
When I wake up I hear beeping and I'm definitely not in my jersey and jeans. I try and open my eyes. I can but the lights are so bright. I look over and see my mom and dad sitting in chairs. I look at the end of the bed and see y/f/n looking at the wall. When I look to my other side I see a boy. I can't figure out who it is an then it hits me. It's Jack Hughes. Wait, why is he in my hospital room? "Guys?" I try and spit out but my throat is so dry. I see them all look at me. "Could someone get me water?" I see Jack get up and get me a cup of water. He hands it to me and I drink some. When I have the strength to sit up I do. "What happened?" I don't remember anything. And I definitely don't remember anything about Jack. "Well when we were leaving someone bumped into you and you fell down the stairs. I didn't know what to do so I started calling for help. When I called Jack came down the stairs and he started talking to you. He needed to keep you hearing and moving so you wouldn't get seriously more hurt. He also got you into the ambulance. I look at my arm and leg and see them in a cast. I look back up to ask for more answers but before I could Jack said, "When we got you here they immediately took you back. They said you broke your arm and leg, but your leg is way worse. I didn't want to leave you because you looked like you were in so much pain even though your were asleep." I couldn't believe it. How? Why? Did he stay this entire time? "Jack?" That's all I could get out right now. My mom was crying so bad that my dad had to take her out of the room. "My moms here. Y/n I love you so much and I'm so glad you're awake. Get better soon love." And with that y/f/n walked out the door leaving just Jack and I. "Yes, do you need something?" I shook my head no, then yes. "Actually I wanted to thank you for saving me first. Second I can't believe the Jack Hughes is in my hospital room. Third, this is gonna sound weird, but would you maybe hold my hand?" He smiled than looked at me. "Of course I will gorgeous." He took my hand and started to rub my thumb with the pad of this finger. I couldn't believe this. This kind of stuff only happens in dreams. "May I know your name?" I laugh at him trying to be polite. "Yes you may, it's y/n." He smiled at me then laughed because I was mocking him. "Wait, where is my jersey, and the puck you gave me over the glass. And my jeans those had my phone in them. I need to know where they are." He pointed to the chair and I felt relief. "I see your a fan of me." I blush and hide my face. "Yeah I am. I mean look at the jersey it's yours. Well not yours, but like has your name and number on it." I felt so stupid. Wow great job your celebrity crush is sitting in front of you and your being awkward. "Well maybe I could give you one of mine. Like actually mine. And maybe a hoodie, and I have sweatpants that have my number on them too. I mean I've worn them but you could have them." I looked at him in disbelief. "Wait actually?" He smiled and nodded his head. "But I need something from you. Let's see what could I have. Hm maybe your number?" I smiled and nodded. He gave me his phone and I put my number in. "There you go." He smiled and squeezed my hand. He went over to his bag and took out a jersey, a hoodie, and sweatpants. I smiled and gladly took them.
~time skip~
When I got released from the hospital I FaceTimed Jack every day and we got really close. Eventually, he asked me out and of course I said yes. I never imagined I would date Jack Hughes.

Word count:1646
A/n~ so the ending is bad, but I liked the story until then. It's bad because I got a little distracted because the Devils are currently playing a game. Anyways that's for reading!

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