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After using my key to enter my dorm, which had admittedly nice pixel art of myself above it, I entered my assigned dorm and locked the door behind me.

The room was pretty nice for something that's basically a prison. Plain, yes. But it was livable and sanitary.

After looking around for about a minute, since there wasn't much to look at between the bedroom and bathroom, I sat on the bed and pulled out the second monopad.

I selected the video option, making sure the volume was low. I pressed play.

Immediately, the video screen lit up, and went from black to a depiction of me.

I don't remember recording this.

"Hey future me. I'm sure you're confused, so I'm going to get straight to the point. I'm sure you've realized you have survived something, and I'm sure you've been racking your brain trying to figure out what happened, and why you can't remember. I'll tell you this; you have done this before. The thing you've found yourself trapped in is something you have proved you can survive. You must survive again, at all costs, and make the right decision this time. I can't tell you what that means; Monokuma won't allow it. But they said you will be keeping your talent. You Can and Will figure out the clues that have been left for you, and make it through this."

The alternative me who I have no memory of hesitated. Several questions raced through my mind, overlapping. I was struggling to think clearly. I needed to force my head to quiet. I needed to finish the video, and I couldn't do that if I was simultaneously trying to answer a million questions. There were about 4 seconds left.

"After all, you are the ultimate informant. You'll find out everything you need to know, especially with thanks to the head start of this perk; I'm sure of it. And remember: you are your own best ally. Trust your own judgments. Good Luck."

And on that note the screen went blank.

As much as I couldn't fathom this unbelievable development, I had no choice but to believe the information I'd been given. I would rather have information which is possibly false to consider, over absolutely nothing. I couldn't solve anything if I stayed in denial. And if it's all fake, well it doesn't matter, nothing is lost. But if it's real I will be prepared.

I grabbed a small pocket-sized notebook that laid on the room's furniture, as well as the pen beside it.

It might seem stupid, but writing things like this down really helps to connect the dots.

-Second killing game

~I have survived one.

-I'm my own best ally

~Don't trust anyone. Of course that makes sense here.

~The emphasis makes it seem like there's an alternative reason for that. Is there something else to be looking for and wary of?

- Still have a talent

~What does that mean? Could I simply not have one? It's a talent.. It shouldn't just go away.

-Clues were left for me

~I didn't say the clues were hidden, so they must be in plain sight.

~I should look for anything even slightly strange, and keep track of it in this notepad.

I flipped the page I was currently writing on to the back, and split the new paper with a line down the middle. I labeled the left side "subject" and the right side "deductions".

I'm not very good at making deductions myself. As an informant I typically just obtained the information I sought and gave it to whomever requested it. They did whatever they wanted with it. I wouldn't be surprised if I had worked with Kokichi, or even against him at one point or another before this, and had just forgotten.

Then I remembered the detective. Shuichi was his name. I told him I'd speak to him today. And as a detective, I'm sure he would be able to make deductions incredibly well. The only problem was the situation we were in. Anyone could turn on anyone. I wasn't yet sure if I could trust him yet. I would have to secretly find a way to test him.

I came up with my plan quickly. If he had selfless goals he would tell someone about a clue he found if they had asked him to. So I would make a fake clue, with true information. I had little more information than anyone else here. But if I wrote something that was clearly related to the situation and yet gave no more information, it would surely be regarded as a clue of sorts.

Flipping to the next page of the notepad, I wrote in handwriting that was as different from my own as possible. It read the following: "All of the exits have been sealed, we can now progress with the plan. I suggest we leave the students in different classrooms as a starting point."

Perfect. It provides no new information, so it can't be proved false, and it would catch anyone's attention if they read it.

I walked over to his dorm to set my plan in motion. I was really hoping he would be there otherwise my plan wouldn't work at all.

I knocked on the door, and thankfully after about 15 seconds he answered.

"Uh, hey Y/n."

"Hello Shuichi. I told you when we first met I wanted to talk to you about something, and I'm asking if you could meet me just outside of the main building's entry in.. 10ish minutes? There's something specific I'd like to talk to you about."

"... I- Sure I guess.."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I failed to take into account how it may be questionable to meet alone, outside. Especially at-'' I glanced at a nearby clock. "9:08? Already? Uh, anyway that's besides the point. You can bring someone you trust right along with you."

"Thanks.. actually, well, just you allowing me to do that makes me trust you a bit more. I think I'll go alone."

"That's great to know you trust me. I'm sure trust between us is super beneficial. Oh- you'll understand that better after I explain outside. See you in 10."

"See you Y/N."

I headed back to my dorm and waited 10 minutes.

Do I even really need to test him anymore? I mean he's willing to meet with me alone so he must trust me. Unless he's actually taking this meeting as a chance for an easy kill. He trusted me way to easily. Definitely going through with my test. I can never be too sure.

After ten minutes passed, I opened my door a crack, and began watching through the small gap, waiting for Shuichi to walk by.

When he did, I waited a moment before leaving my dorm, and placed the note under the pixel art label at his door. I made sure to leave a small corner pointing out. Just enough to be noticeable, but not too much to make it so obvious that it was there.

I made my way outside.

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now