Here we go again

540 19 51

I didn't even bother chasing Kokichi. There wasn't a point. I just kept walking at my normal, or I guess above average pace, seeing as I tend to leave the people I walk near deserted.

But after turning a corner, I was stopped by monokuma.

"Woah there slow down!"

".. is there something you need? There must be a reason you're here."

"Aw c'mon! Two buds can't hang out to hang out?"

"I don't think a friend would force you into a life or death situation. Just say what you have to say."

"Yeesh so aggressive." He handed me an envelope.

"What is this?"

"Puhuhu! Why don't you read it and find out?"

I listened and read it quickly.

"Y/N has contributed to, and is indirectly responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of deaths."

"..what is this? I still don't get it."

"It's your biggest secret of course!"

"But why?"

"A murder motive! The rules were as follows: if someone doesn't kill within two days, everyones secrets will be revealed."

"Didn't a murder already happen? Why is this happening now of all times?"

"Well I Actually told everyone this last night! But you decided to be sick so you missed out on it. How sad.."

"So isn't this useless now? I don't have to worry anymore."

"Well I never cared what you would've done with it. But it's only fair if you have it; That way you can't blame me if someone finds it and sees your secret!" On that note he disappeared.

So that's the real reason. But why would he even care if he got blamed for that?

Priorities. Get rid of this envelope, and get to the game room.

I entered the bathroom and ran some water over the letter. once it was soaked, I held it over the trash bin and pulled it apart, and sort of just mushed it together before separating it again.

This process made it easy for the paper to fall apart, so it would be hard for anyone to try and reassemble the crumbled oddly split paper. It also made the ink run a bit, so even if someone did dry it, and spend time reassembling it correctly, the words wouldn't be legible.

And if anyone is that invested in reassembling a piece of paper they found in the bathroom trash, then there's a problem.

I dropped it in the bin and finally headed back to the game room, where Kokichi would likely be waiting, annoyed that I took so long, and trying to convince Kirumi that he actually did wake me up.

~~Literally 2 minutes later~~

I walked into the game room, where everyone had been gathered.

Kirumi spoke to me first "Ah hello Y/N. It seems Kokichi really did wake you."

Maybe I should mess with him a little bit. As payback for being such a- idek. For being Kokichi I guess.

"Hm? Kokichi didn't go get me.. I had already been woken by the announcement."

"Whaaaat?" He said this in a low, almost mocking voice.

Why is he talking like he's mocking me?

"She's definitely lying Kirumi! I did go get her from her room! I need you to keep making me lunchhhhh!"

He sounds like a whiny child.

He lightly glared at me. I smirked in return. It was funny seeing him at the receiving end of teasing.

"I think it's clear who the real liar is here. Start making your own sandwiches Kokichi."

"But you cut them into FIVE little triangles! I don't even know how to do that!"

I quietly snickered at his behavior.

He really is like a child. But he is always amusing, no matter how annoying he is.
It's almost a type of annoying you enjoy.

I guess I kind of enjoy hating him. Although, hates to strong of a word for this situation, but I don't have a large enough vocabulary to find a better one.

"It's fine Kirumi, he did come get me from my dorm. I was just messing with him. How's it feel Kokichi?"

"It's a good thing you fessed up! Without my triangle sandwiches I was seriously gonna kill someone! And guess who would've been my first choice for a victim.."

"I'd rather be murdered than experience one of those brutal executions! We've seen one and they seem like slow and painful deaths."

"Oh trust me your death would be just as painful and sufferable as an execution. If not more so..."

"Um... guys?"

By now, everyone in the room had mostly dispersed to do their own investigations, or to just leave, because some of them probably don't care.

cough Maki cough

"What is it Shu?"

"Please don't call me "shoe".. and we are investigating Tsumugi's body right now.. Could you not speak so lightly about murder and execution?"

"Oops! I forgot you normies are not to fond of real life gore! But as a leader of a HUGE organization, I see blood almost every week!"

"... right. We'll stop, Shuichi."

I guess I've, how do I explain it, derealized death in a way. It doesn't really affect me, because I don't really accept it. I know it's real, logically. But really, I don't ever process it.. I stop thinking about it before it can sink in.

"Have you found anything out of the ordinary?"

"Not really, besides the obvious details. I think I'll begin questioning everyone."

He stood up from his crouching position over the body. "Maki's been acting suspicious ever since we opened her lab yesterday... she hadn't left it's door, and she said won't let anyone in."


"Oh, right. You were sick. Basically, after the trial Monokuma gave us some random objects, and we had to put them in the correct places around the school. When we did, it unlocked a new area, or the student labs. Each student has one based on their talent, but we've only unlocked a few."

"So who's labs did you unlock?"

"Maki's, as you already know, Miu's, Kaito's, and yours."

I froze for a moment.

Mine? What would they even put in an informants lab. Even worse, if everyone goes in my lab and figures out my talent, they might not trust me.

They might think I'm informing to Monokuma, or that I'm stalking them to find specific information or secrets. No one will trust me.

"Is this going to happen after every trial?"

"I believe so."

"Well thanks for the information, Shuichi. I'll do my own investigation now. Bye."

Starting with Maki. Does she have the same reason as me for guarding her lab..?

I exited the room and began looking for Maki, who was likely still standing by her lab.

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now