Pressure is on.

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"Wow. This is totally your fault Y/N!" A half angry voice shot at me.

"I know. I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back my words."

"Lots your sorry's are doing now."

"Let's not gang up on Y/N. I'm sure she didn't intend to get us into a high pressure situation."

I lightly smiled at Kaedes' attempt at defending me.

"It's alright Kaede. Thank you, but I will accept the blame. But I will say this, kokichi; if Monokuma didn't intend to do this in the first place, why did he come to talk to us at all, never mind starting by complaining about us not following his rules?"

"You're totally right. I can't believe you all ganged up on her and blamed her like that!" Kokichi spoke.

"Aren't you the one who blamed her?" Keebo entered the conversation.

"And the only one who blamed her for that." Kaito was looking at Kokichi with disdain.

"Now you're ganging up on me too! WAHHHH YOU'RE SO MEAN!!" Tears started spilling out of his eyes.

I was taken aback. This cannot be the same person as the one who threatened my life yesterday.

"I'm not mad at you Kokichi."

His tears dried almost instantly.

"Phew, that makes me feel so much better! All you guys are mad at me when the one you were defending was fine with it!"

"I don't think half of the people here were even paying attention to you Kokichi." This time Shuichi spoke.

Kokichis eyes sparkled a little. "But you were paying attention weren't you! Wow Shu Shu really does care about me!"

Shuichi immediately shifted his gaze both downward and sideways at once. He was clearly a little bit uncomfortable.

"Well.. what do we do now?" Even Angie's usually cheery voice seemed discouraged.

"We find a way to escape of course! Now we just gotta get out of here sooner!" Kaede enthused.

"We've checked everywhere though... there's no exit. And I don't have enough MP to blow up part of the wall." Himiko sounded like she wanted to go back to sleep, forever.

"Gonta find manhole in the boil room earlier. Peaked inside and think it may be exit!"

"You mean the boiler room?"


"You need to say things like this sooner!" Tenko scolded.

"Gonta was after we eat food, but then bear came!"

"Show us to the manhole Gonta."

"Anything for Gontas friends!"

"Friends"  Friends that are expected to kill him, or be killed by him.

We began following him out into the garden, then into a sort of back room.

"Right here!"

"How do we open it? It looks way too heavy." Tsumugi questioned the group.

"Just leave it to me! I can totally lift this easily." Kokichi spoke confidently.

I raised an eyebrow at him, and pointed my hand towards the lid, telling him to take his shot.

He walked over, crouched down, and miserably failed at his attempt to lift it.

"Guess I'm not strong enough! Must be a heavy cover." He shamelessly exclaimed. He didn't seem to care at all about his failure.

Mislead me | Kokichi x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now