Chapter 26

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The feeling of strong arms wrapped around me- that's the first thing I recognize as I start to wake from my slumber. The warmth radiating off his hard body is cascading over me like a loving waterfall.

A soft moan escapes my lips as I stretch, pressing myself further into him. I feel him begin to stir underneath me.

I smile as his deep voice fills my ears. "Good morning, gorgeous."

I tilt my head back, needing to see his face. "Good morn-"

My words catch in my throat as my eyes wander up to him. I blink several times, unable to believe what I'm seeing. The face staring back at me isn't Liam's. It's Justin's.

Worry etches itself across his features. "Mel, what is it, babe? What's wrong?"

I shake my head. That voice- I've heard it a million times.

How did I not recognize it?

I hear Justin speak again, and I sit upright in my bed with a jolt.

Just a dream.

It was just a dream.

It's been a while since I dreamt of him or thought of him at all since Aruba. That fact flashes in my mind, and suddenly, I'm hit with an awful wave of guilt.

I haven't thought of him in so long...

My gut clenches at the memory of how I felt when I realized my dream wasn't about Liam but Justin. I panicked. Seeing Justin in my bed instead of Liam sent a shockwave through me. It made me sad and regretful.

I close my eyes, trying to settle myself. I hate that I felt that way. All of my memories of Justin were good. Every time I'd think of him, I'd get a nostalgic feeling, frequently accompanied by sadness- but never regret.

Why am I feeling like this all of a sudden? Is there some message the universe is trying to send me? Am I moving too quickly with Liam?

Fuck, I need to clear my head. I need out of this room that now feels so suffocating.

I throw the blankets off of me and make my way to the kitchen. Before I reach the island, I see I'm not alone. Tay is already there, making herself a cup of tea.

My footsteps catch her attention, and she turns to greet me with a smile on her face. When she appraises my face, her smile falters.

"Mel? What's wrong?" She asks- her voice heavy with concern.

I'm frozen to the spot as I remember what just happened. I swallow hard, trying to find the words to explain why I'm so emotionally confused right now.

Tay waits patiently for me to speak, but no words come out before the sensation of wetness slides down my cheeks.

As soon as she sees it, Tay rushes to my side, her eyes wide and full of concern. "Mel, it's okay. Whatever it is, it's okay. Just talk to me. Tell me what's going on."

I sniffle as I crumble into Taylor's embrace. When I feel safe to, I tell her everything that happened before coming out here. I tell her about Liam and me. I tell her about my dream and all the feelings that arose from it. I tell her everything.

When I'm through, she grabs me by the hand and squeezes comfortingly. "It's okay, you know."

My eyes meet hers as another tear falls down my face. "What is?"

A ghost of a smile forms on her lips as she quietly says, "To be happy. To feel again. To love again. All of it. You're allowed to move on, Mel."

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I know she's right. I've been trying to convince myself of those words for months now, but I've never come close to achieving them, not until recently.

Not until Liam.

I wipe my tears away as Tay pulls me against her. After a few minutes, I've finally calmed down. She asks if there's anything I need. When I tell her I'm alright, I mean it.

She gives me one last hug and a fresh cup of tea before I head to my room to take a shower. As I get ready for the day, I keep repeating Tay's words, telling myself that I deserve to be happy again and I have no reason to feel guilty.

I repeat the words in my head as I pick out something cute to wear on my date later with Liam. He told me very little about where we were going, just that it was a surprise and I should wear something casual and warm.

I'm ready for my date an hour later, and I feel like Tay's words have finally sunk in. I'm starting to feel like they're true and better than that- I'm starting to believe them.

I give myself one last glance in the mirror before stepping out of my bedroom to find Liam. Tay and T.J. see me when I open my door.

Tay gives me an encouraging smile as T.J. smirks. "Your date is still primping in his room. You may have to pull him out of there, or he might just stay there all night."

I laugh as Tay elbows him in the ribs, resetting my course for Liam's room. I notice it's slightly ajar when I walk up, so I slowly open it a little further- just enough for me to stand and admire him from the entryway.

As I lean against his doorframe, I watch as he runs his fingers through his hair, focusing heavily on one spot as he tries to smooth away a non-existent flaw. He looks nervous- a far cry from his usual smooth, confident exterior.

He still hasn't noticed me as he brushes off a piece of lint from his shirt. The way he's hyper-focused on his reflection is enough to make me laugh. It's cute how he nervously picks at every inch of his clothes and hair, trying to make sure every bit looks perfect.

I try to hold back my delight, to no avail. A laugh escapes my lips, pulling Liam's attention from the mirror in front of him.

As he looks at me, his eyes are wide, like he's been caught with a hand in the cookie jar. It's adorable.

He tries to smooth his expression as he realizes he's been caught primping, as T.J. called it. He clears his throat and straightens his back, donning a (not so) relaxed expression.

He tilts his chin my way- an attempt at looking cool and aloof- before saying, "Hey, Mel. How, uh, how long you been standing there?"

I bite my lips as another giggle threatens to leave my lips. "A few minutes."

I see pink creep up his neck as he nods, realizing just how much I witnessed. He closes his eyes for a second before looking down at the ground. "So, you saw..."

"Everything? Yeah, pretty much," I inform him as I move closer.

His shoulders shake as he starts chuckling to himself. "Of course, you did."

Hoping to lighten the mood, I rub my hand soothingly down his arm as a coo, "It was adorable."

Liam's laughter booms as he pulls me in for a tight hug, planting a kiss on the top of my head as I start to shake in amusement. "Alright, let's get outta here before I further embarrass myself."

I pull on my jacket as Liam grabs something from the kitchen. We wave a quick goodbye to Tay and T.J. Then, Liam escorts me outside with one arm draped over my shoulders.


When we pull up to the building, I shoot Liam a look of confusion. He grins widely, offering no explanation before he opens my door and helps me from the car.

With his mystery bag from the kitchen in tow, Liam calmly walks me inside the arena.

What could he possibly have planned here at the hockey complex?

That question burns fresh in my mind as we enter the large doors and make our way inside. 

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