chapter 4 | sleepover

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Noun: A feeling of being pleased or satisfied.

The dictionary definition seems to perfectly describe how I feel in life.

Contentment is associated with the word happiness.

I don't use that word because you always strive for change to be more happy.

As if their is a leaderboard of who the happiest person in the world and it sits in the back of your head haunting you and trying to find how to be more happier.

I would describe myself as content.

I'm utterly pleased with the person I am today and the way my life is going.

I may not portray it on the outside but it's what I feel on the inside.

Today is the day of the sleepover and I feel content.

I'm satisfied with the plans and am quite excited to go.

I feel like a kid.

It's at Aulora's house because of Laila.

I really like to hang out with Laila over my friends because she's mellow and cute.

I'm currently changing into grey sweatpants and a white shirt so I have this to sleep in.

It's only 3 pm and I'm making my way over there.

I grab my charger my keys and my phone and make my way to the car.

I unlock the door and get in.

I drive to the address she sent me and see everyone is here already.

I quickly knock on the door and Aulora opens it with Laila sitting on her hip.

My mood instantly perks up when I see Laila.

"Come in," Aulora says and smiles at me.

I give her a close lipped smile before going inside.

Everyone is sitting on her couch and a new guy I've never seen is here.

Must be her brother.

I sit down next to Lorenzo on my left and no one on my right.

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