chapter 41 | crying

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I'm so bored today so I think I'm going to go to Aulora's apartment.

It's been a few weeks since that date and everything has been going great.

Laila is now 9 months old.

I decide to text her instead of just showing up because I don't want to be rude.

Sunshine <33:

Fine if I come over?

Sunshine <33:
Why are you asking...

I didn't want to just pop up.

Sunshine <33:
I wouldn't care if you did.

Okay I'll be there soon.

Sunshine <33:
I love you. Bring the book we both have so we can read together please!! 😫

I love you too and Anything for you.

Sunshine <33:
Hurry up Laila is crying for you.

I'm going as fast as I can.

I grab my keys and the book before making it out to my car.

I get in and drive to her house.

Once I make it there I grab the book and my stuff before walking up to her door.

You can hear Laila crying from here.

I walk in to see Aulora in the living room trying to comfort Laila as she screams 'Dada' over and over with tears running down her face.

"Shhhhh, baby. Mommy's got you," Aulora says trying to calm her down.

I walk through the door and put my stuff down.

Hearing the noise Laila turns to me and cry's even more.

I walk over to her and pick her up out of Aulora's arms.

I hold her tightly.

She stops crying and just holds onto my tightly.

Aulora just stands there with a smile on her face.

I wrap my free arm around her back and pull her into my chest tightly.

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