Part 15

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Sawyer's POV

We had just returned to the set, and I was sitting on the sofa waiting for Scarlett to change before we went to the movie night. I don't really know what a movie night is, but I'm guessing we all sit around watching movies; at least, that's what the name makes it sound like. I wonder what we will watch, other than Wall-e; I haven't seen many movies before. Scarlett said we could go in our pyjamas and that she had new ones for me to wear as a surprise. Which is why I'm sitting out here while she got sorted in the bedroom.

I know I said I wanted to go to the movie night, but sitting here now, I was starting to wish I could spend the rest of the night just sitting here alone. After Lizzie grabbed me earlier, all I could think about was him. I know she didn't mean to upset me or hurt me in any way, but her touch still jarred me straight back into those memories I tried so hard to avoid. Even after the memory faded and I realised I was safe and with Scarlett, I still couldn't shake the feeling that he was waiting around the corner just to grab me again.

Tired of being stuck with my thoughts, I hopped off the sofa and walked back to the bedroom, stopping outside the door and pacing back and forth. Trying to decide if I should go in or not. I want Scarlett to hold me and remind me that he's gone.

But for her to do that, I would have to explain what happened.

I have never done that before, and I really don't know how I would even start to tell her everything. Before I could decide on knocking on the door or not, it opened slowly, revealing an annoyed-looking Scarlett. However, while she looked annoyed, she didn't look mad, so I wasn't scared. "Baby, come here," she scolded lightly, holding her arms open for me, which I gladly flung myself into. Scarlett's cuddles are the best thing ever. "You know you shouldn't be walking on that leg, and you've already done more than you should today, so why are you pacing outside the door? You know you can come straight in," she asked, sitting us both down on the bed.

"I just wanted you, but I didn't want to bother you," I mumbled into her shoulder as I tightened my grip around her neck; I could feel the tears building up in my eyes no matter how hard I fought it. "Baby, please listen to me very carefully," Scarlett cooed into my ear, gently moving my head to face hers so we could look at each other. "You, Sawyer Nola Johansson, could never bother me. Whenever you want me, you say, and I will be by your side as fast as I can. I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier."

At her words, my tears finally started to fall.

Everything that happened this week has finally caught up with me. Monday, I was falling asleep under a tree, Wednesday I woke up to find out my birth mother was back, Thursday I met a whole bunch of new people who are allegedly lovely and seem to be around all the time; and yesterday, I found out my mother and all those people she hangs out with are famous and well today, today has just been a whole thing.

Now that I let myself think about it, it's a lot to take in.

So here I am, a sobbing mess as Scarlett holds me close, rocking us back and forth calmingly as she hums, 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight'. We watched Lion King last night after we returned from her scenes. That song was my new favourite which I told her about. The fact that she remembered made my sobs start to slow to sniffles; no one ever remembered what I liked before.

After another five minutes, my crying had stopped completely. I was just cuddling Scarlett again as she stroked my hair, humming another song from The Lion King. Our peaceful bubble was broken by a knocking on the trailer door and a loud voice calling after it making me jump a little before realising it was just Robert. "Brainbox? Scarlett? Movie night starts in ten minutes. Hurry up before there are no good snacks left," he yelled before, I can only assume, walking off again.

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