Part 17

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Sawyer's POV

I didn't sleep last night; every time I closed my eyes, I could see their eyes looking back at me.

Daddy and Cooper had the same eyes. A dull brown that only lit up when they were inflicting pain. I just laid on Ma- Scarlett's chest and listened to her heartbeat all night, watching her face as she rested. She looks so peaceful. Have I ever looked that peaceful before?

When the clock hit eight-thirty, I decided I needed to get up, or I would explode. So I slowly scooted out of Scarlett's arms, replacing where I had been lying with a pillow. Walking as quietly as I could with my cast, I made it to the kitchen, deciding that since I was up, I might as well make breakfast. Looking through the cupboards and fridge, I saw we had everything to make a full English.

After all the stress I'd put Scarlett through lately, I figured the least I could do was make her breakfast in bed to make up for everything.

I am trying to understand why the eggs were in the fridge, as I always kept them on the counter. I mean, UK eggs are all salmonella free, so I set them on the counter first, making a not to ask Scarlett why she was keeping them in the fridge before getting everything else, having to pull a chair over to stand on so I could use the hop and counter easier. I didn't know how she liked her eggs, so I decided I would make one plate with scrambled and one with a fried egg and whichever she didn't like, I would eat.

After finishing, I made her a coffee and a glass of juice before sneaking back into the room and placing them on the bedside table. After sneaking back to the kitchen, I grabbed both plates with cutlery before walking slowly and carefully back to the bedroom. Just as I got to the door, I could hear Scarlett start to shift, making me speed up slightly, knowing she would worry if she couldn't see me anywhere when she woke up.

Talk about perfect timing.

"Baby?" I heard her mumble, a somewhat confused pout on her face as she blindly reached around the bed for me. "Right here," I reply as I walk to her side of the bed, just standing there staring at her as she tries to reach out for me, her eyes still closed, which ends unsuccessfully, obviously. "Let's get some more sleep, common; we had a late night," she mumbles as she continues to reach for me blindly, her hand patting around the bed as she looks for me, which has me biting back a laugh. "I made you breakfast," I mumble, looking at her sheepishly as she slowly opens her eyes.

I watched as they widened upon realising I had made more than just a bowl of cereal for her.

"I didn't know if you like scrambled or fried eggs, so I made a plate of each; I thought I would just eat whichever you didn't want. There's coffee and juice right next to you," I mumble, suddenly feeling shy as Scarlett looks at me. "Sawyer, that's so sweet; thank you. I'll have whichever you don't want; I'm easy with either egg. I can't believe you made this for me. How long have you been up?" She asks as she pats the spot next to her before taking both plates so I can climb next to her. "Not long," I lie. "You pick which eggs I don't mind," I mumble, waiting for her to pass me a plate as I sit next to her on the bed, leaning into her side slightly. I watch as she scrapes half the scrambled eggs onto the other plate before cutting the fried in half and scraping that onto the other plate so that the eggs are split half and half before handing me a plate.

We ate in silence, just enjoying each other's company. After my meltdown and confessions last night, I don't think we know what to say to each other. I know she must have questions; honestly, I want to answer them. I'm just not sure that I can without having another memory attack, and I don't have the strength to deal with one of those today.

Plus, I want Scarlett to have a relaxing day. She deserves that after everything I've put her through, so her having to coach me through an attack is not on today's agenda. After we had finished, Scarlett set both our plates on the side before bringing me onto her lap and just hugging me tightly.

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