Part 20

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Scarlett's POV

Waking up without Sawyer in bed was terrifying.

Looking around the house and not finding her anywhere was terrifying.

Seeing a half-arsed note written by Hunter saying he and Sawyer went on a jog was terrifying.

I mean, Sawyer only met him yesterday, and she seems more comfortable with him than anyone she's met. She touched him, hugged him and called him Uncle Hunt. It was adorable. Yet I couldn't help but envy how comfortable she was with Hunter; she had been with me a month and still doesn't call me Mama. I know she needs to take her time, but hearing her call Hunter Uncle Hunt after knowing him for an hour is kind of upsetting.

The idea of Sawyer being out in the city without me is terrifying.

She may not be the only one out of the two of us with separation anxiety.

I woke up around eight and have been pacing around the hall, waiting for them to be back since. When the door suddenly opened, my ears were met with the tiny giggles of my beautiful baby. I stare them down as they whisper loudly over whos going to talk to me, making me glare at Hunter before reaching out for my baby, needing to hold her after being apart this morning. I felt like I could finally breathe for the first time all morning.

"Hunter, give me my baby back," I demand as I make grabby hands for Sawyer, who happily jumps in my arms, mumbling an adorably "morning Mama" into my neck, causing all panic I felt to evaporate. She called me Mama, and it wasn't just her seeking comfort after a horrific flashback.

For the rest of the morning, I don't let Sawyer go, needing the reassurance that she's ok and with me. It was adorable listening to her little stories about her morning with Hunter. It made me so happy to hear her gushing over her time with Hunter, who smiled proudly at her as he nodded along to her stories, adding something in every now and then; this is the most I've heard her speak at once and with such a big happy smile on her face as she did it made me so proud of her.

By the time we finally got up from the kitchen island and cleared up, it was already gone midday, so I walked into the living room and stuck the TV on for Sawyer. "Baby, you just sit here and watch Wall-E; Hunter and I will be in the kitchen," I say softly before pulling Hunter behind me into the kitchen. The apartment's open plan allowed me to see Sawyer sitting on the sofa from where we stood.

"I can not believe you took Sawyer out without telling me. In fact, I can't believe you took her out without me." I lecture sternly, my frustration from Sawyers's absence this morning back in full force.

I saw Hunter go to say something but cut him off. "After everything I told you last night about her memory attacks and her distrust of new people, especially men and her hatred for noisy places, after all that, you thought it would be a good idea to take her out in New York, without me, after knowing her for less than twelve hours. What if she had a memory attack when you were out? What if something had happened and I wasn't there..." I started to spiral, my annoyance shifting to blinding worry for Sawyer and all the things that could have happened to her.

"I mean, look at all the awful things that have happened to her because I wasn't there. I mean, I only told you the basics, and I only know a tiny fraction of all the shit she's been through" It all got too much, and the tears started to fall. Hunter walked over and embraced me in a hug.

"I'm sorry, Scar. She just seemed so excited when I said she could come and was just like a normal nine-year-old. For a moment, while we were out on that jog and messing around, I forgot everything you said last night. She was just so happy and carefree. But Scar, I know she isn't a normal nine-year-old; I could hear her screaming in her sleep last night; I saw her try and hide the flinching when people stood too close on the subway; I watched her nearly break down over having to pick a breakfast option. I just wanted her to be able to feel free for once. You have to stop punishing yourself over what's happened to her in the past because you can't change that. Just focus on the now because now you have an amazing daughter... who you have to introduce to the rest of the family," he comforts me, joking at the end and making me laugh through the tears, although that laugh was cut off by a small body colliding into my leg pushing me backwards.

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