Part 42

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Scarlett's POV

Today is our last day at Disney, and this trip has been one of the highlights of my life. For the first time ever, I got to watch Sawyer be childlike and free without a worry in the world; to say I loved it would be an understatement. 

For once, she wasn't constantly looking over her shoulder for danger. Plus, I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure her nightmares have stopped; whether that's because she isn't scared anymore or just simply exhausted after the long days in the park is up for debate, but still, it's fantastic to wake up to her still sleeping peacefully for once. 

It's nice to be able to just relax and have fun with her without having to worry about work or people. The only thing that would make it better is if I didn't have to pretend she was Nola, the child actor, while we were out. But I respect her choice and find it so admirable that she wants to pave her own way without being associated with me, so I can't be too annoyed by that.

Today, we are going to Hollywood Studios, and Sawyer is bouncing with excitement, catching on to her Kelly-proof method of decision-making. I managed to get a map for Hollywood Studios from one of the security guards yesterday, meaning that a sleepy Sawyer spent last night mulling over what she wanted to see. 

She had a tired smile as she babbled away about how much she loved the trip, although it would have been better if Animal Kingdom had red pandas, which made me laugh. She had gotten particularly excited about the Tower of Terror and Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, which made me pale slightly at the idea of her on the rides when she is technically too small, but the smile on her face as she read about the rides meant I knew I would let her ride regardless.

Sawyer is currently braiding her hair quietly as she sits in front of the mirror in her little dungarees and Mickey T-shirt. Over the last few days, she has acquired an impressive collection of pins from all the parks, which she has dotted around the front of her dungarees. "Baby?" I ask once I finish getting ready for the day, making her turn and smile at me as she ties the end of her hair off. 

"Yeah, Mama?" She asks, her English accent sounding even thicker, if possible, due to the remaining remnants of sleep lacing her voice. "Do you think maybe you could braid my hair too, please?" I asked, smiling as she hopped up excitedly, smiling widely at me. "You want to match?" She asked shyly as she walked over to sit behind me on the bed. 

"I would love to, baby," I responded before chucking as she practically danced with excitement before sitting behind me and getting on with it. She was done within what felt like seconds, which made me marvel at her hair skills. I mean, I know Cam had been teaching her little tricks for braiding on her wig, but regardless, her skills were impressive. She was just so amazing at everything; I'm always left speechless by her.

"Mama", she whined softly as she poked my cheek, gently snapping me out of my thoughts. Turning to see her, I could see the twinge of fear in her eyes as she looked at me, making me jump into action straight away. 

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked softly as I pulled her into my lap. "Someone knocked on the door," she mumbled into my neck as she continued to cling to me, a sad reminder that despite how she may be currently acting, she is still rightfully traumatised by her past. "It's ok, baby", I coo into her ear, checking the time briefly on my way to the door. 

"It's just Lizzie; she's probably come to get us cause it's time to go," I say softly before grabbing Sawyer's backpack and both our caps and sunglasses before opening the door to Lizzie. Smiling warmly to her as I slipped into the hallway before walking with her to the elevator. 

"Sorry, Sawyer is still not very fond of people at the door." I apologise to Lizzie for making her wait, but she just blows it off. "it's fine. Are you excited, SJ? Last day," she said excitedly to Sawyer, who just nodded in my neck, clearly wanting to get in all the cuddles she could before she had to pretend to not be my daughter.

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