Part 52

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Scarlett's POV

As if red carpets weren't stressful enough, now I'm worrying about myself and Sawyer, mainly Sawyer. Finishing up on the first part of the carpet, I turned, expecting to see Sawyer posing behind me, only to find Aaron, making my eyebrows furrow with confusion. I'd instructed my assistant to stay glued to Sawyer all night, ensuring she was okay when I couldn't be with her, so I had my agent with me tonight, Bryan; turning to him with a raised brow, I stopped my progression towards the interviews. 

"Bryan, where is Nola?" I asked, being mindful of the press all around us. Bryan knew about Sawyer; in fact, he is also representing her now that she has started to act, at least until I find someone specifically for her. 

"There was a change in order; she's walking last. You know how these things go. Elizebeth is walking right in front of her. She will be fine. Now you need to go do your interviews; you can find her after you're done," he said with a soft smile as he gently nudged me forward.

I tried my best to stay in the moment as I answered people's questions and chatted with some of the others as we bumped into each other. I had spotted everyone, including Lizzie, but at this point, there was just no Sawyer. We were all standing in the middle of the carpet, taking group photos before greeting fans, when I heard the photographers yelling a little louder, making me turn in that direction.

 There she was, Mark, pointing over to us all as she walked along the carpet, a forced smile on her face as her eyes darted around the group before settling on me. I watched her with a soft smile as she took a deep breath before basically running over to us all, only to stop just in front of me as if remembering where we were.

"It's okay. We are friends that made a movie together. Friends hug," I say softly to her as I pull her into my body, knowing she needs the comfort. I am so annoyed they swapped the order at the last minute; she had to do all that press alone, her first time; it must have been overwhelming for her, to say the least. 

I could hear the yelling of the press as they all took photos of our hug, making Sawyer pull back with a tight smile as she slipped back into Nola mode. It was nice being able to take some pictures together; I'll have to make sure I get copies of them before she was pulled away by the others, all wanting to get shots with her, which made her laugh. 

Especially when Chris, Lizzie and Robert all started to bicker over it. In the end, she just sneaked away from the three of them. Followed behind Mark as he nodded for her to start walking the fan part of the carpet.

I did my best to greet fans and take pictures, making small talk with everyone, but I couldn't stop looking over at Sawyer. I chuckled, seeing Mark with his arms full as fans kept passing her gifts, which she passed to him. She was doing so well until one fan started talking to her, and I could see her panic a little. Sawyer must have said something to Mark as he stood up, looking around before hollering at Evans. 

"Hey Evans, Nola wants to know why you didn't wear the papaya shirt?" I have no clue what Mark had just said, but Chris clearly did; as he went running over, he tried to make it look like a playful interaction, but I could see the stress in his features as he got to her. A fan grabbed my attention momentarily, and by the time I looked back over, Sawyer and Chris had disappeared, making me worry about what the hell was going on.

I tried to finish walking the carpet as quickly as possible before leaving to search for Sawyer. I had asked both Bryan and Mark, who hadn't followed Sawyer, where they had gone, but they both seemed clueless, only adding to my worry. It took a while, but I eventually found them in one of the back rooms; Sawyer cuddled into Chris's chest as they rattled on about what sounded like last year's Super Bowl. 

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