Part 35

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Sawyer's POV

Another day, another plane ride, yay. Note the sarcasm. Uncle Hunt had been teaching me sarcasm, and I loved it; Mama, however, did not and would yell at Uncle Hunt every time I did it around them, which would only make me laugh more. Anyway, we are flying to San Diego for Comic Con. 

With all the extra flying we have been doing between coming to New York from London to back and forth from Atlanta, you would think that I would be warming up to the experience, but I am not.

I understand the physics of flying, but to be honest, that just makes it scarier. The flight to San Diego is not as long as the one here from England but longer than the one to Atlanta, so I don't know how I feel about it.

As per usual, Mama got our security for a while at the airport, and I had to wear a hat and glasses; this time, I voted for a black beanie with Hulk fists on. All my hats, both caps and beanies, are black with little Avengers emblems, and I love them. 

Sometimes Mama will even wear a matching hat with me, which always makes me smile, but she's wearing a plain blue cap today, not a beanie like me. 

Anyway, the airport was super busy today, which made it even worse, but at least the security machine didn't beep, so no one had to touch Mama or me; I hate it when that happens. I spent the flight learning more French and occasionally talking to Mama, who was worrying about our Comic-Con panel. 

She is worried I am going to panic and have an attack on stage, and while I am concerned about that, too, I want to prove to Mama that I can handle this. I really love acting, and if this is what I have to do to continue working, then so be it.

Today is Thursday, and the panel isn't till Sunday, so I don't really know why she is stressing over it all right now anyway. As a way of trying to warm me up to big crowds, Mama said we can go to Comic Con tomorrow to have a look around, and she can show me where our panel will be and all sorts of stuff. 

Apparently, Nikita is getting her own booth to promote the new comic before the film comes out so that people can get to know the character, which I am really excited about. She's got us costumes so that no one can recognise her while we go round, and I'm hoping it will be fun, despite all the people and how loud it's going to be.

As soon as we land, we are helped through security and shuttled to the hotel. I was trying to show Mama I'm a big girl, so I insisted on walking into the hotel, but as soon as we hopped out of the car, I was blinded by the men with cameras, which Mama said were called paparazzi. The security was trying to keep them away, but they were really loud and bright with all the flashes. 

"Scarlett, what happens in the movie?" "Scarlett, why tell everyone about Sawyer now?" "Sawyer, give us a smile." "Sawyer, why don't you look at us?" "Is she ugly or something, Scarlett?" were just some of the yells I could make out as they all spoke over each other. As soon as we walked into the hotel, I flung myself at Mama, no longer caring about looking like I could handle all the pressure. 

She plucked me up straight away, rocking me side to side as she whispered calming words to me while going over to the check-in counter. Some man with a golden trolly had taken our bags from security straight away. 

"Hi, welcome to San Diego. Can I help you?" The lady behind the counter asked, making me look up from Mama's neck to inspect her. I have been trying to force myself to interact with others so that I would be okay when people ask questions on the panel.

So it turns out we couldn't explore Comic Con. On the first day, Mama was swamped, so I just learned more French. Then today, Mama had a load of preparation to do before the panel, so she was too busy to take me, so we are stuck in the hotel again. 

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