Part 38

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Scarlett's POV

I was so proud of her at Comic-Con. She is my little superstar and is well on her way to doing extraordinary things. She had done so well, better than I could have ever imagined, and I could see the fear in her eyes as she saw all those people looking at her and again when people were yelling at her, but she kept on going despite that.

Even when she was scared of it all, I could see the sincerity in her smile as she interacted with all those Nikita fans; her face when she was talking to that little girl when she signed her first comic was joyous; she seemed so proud that she was doing what I had done for her all those months ago and it made everything seem worth it, I know I won't be able to protect her from the press forever but as long as she keeps this smile and is able to interact with fans like that little girl I'm sure she is going to be okay.

It made me so proud that she was willing to go so far out of her comfort zone just so that she could act. I don't want her to push herself too far, but at the same time, it's fantastic to see her trying new things and willing to face her fears without an attack.

It makes me smile whenever she smiles, so as long as she is happy while acting, I'm so glad she is acting. She is my inspiration in everything I do, and if she asks me to, I will do my best to move the whole world for her. We had been enjoying our time off before I started any new projects, while I also fielded offers for Sawyer.

My manager had been getting offers for Sawyer to be in all sorts of projects since the trailer for Age of Ultron dropped, and Sawyer's appearance on the panel, there has been a lot of interest in her. So far, I have turned them all down, not telling Sawyer about them because they haven't been anything I think she will like, but I am sure eventually she will get an offer for something amazing. At this point, I'm going to have to figure out how to juggle my filming and her filming. In the meantime, I have been planning a big surprise for Sawyer as well as finishing your first acting job.

Last night was the premiere of Lucy. Sawyer wanted to come with me, but I'm pretty sure that the film isn't appropriate for a nine-year-old, even though she acts older than me most of the time. She laid the guilt trip on think, and there were a lot of tears, which broke my heart. I was so close to caving that Hunter had to pull her off of me to stop me from giving in and bringing her. In the end, I explained that she couldn't come because there was no one to look after her and she couldn't stay with me, or people would know she and Nola were the same person.

She gave in, but that didn't stop her from bursting into tears as I left. No matter how long I had spent reassuring her that I was going to come home, I could see in her eyes that she didn't believe me. Not even Hunter acting like an idiot could cheer her up. Everyone I talked to about leaving Sawyer for a night said I would enjoy the night off without her. After all, we hadn't been apart for longer than a few hours when she ran off to Comic Con, but I found myself missing her the whole time.

I only made a brief appearance at the after-party before running straight home. As soon as I was home, I went to my room just wanting to check on my baby, only to be met with an empty bed. I had run down to Hunter quicker than Aaron had ever moved as Quick Silver at the sight of my empty bed.

"Where is my baby Hunter?" I asked as I shoved him awake on the couch. "In bed," he answered before trying to go back to sleep, making me huff before shoving him off the couch entirely. "If she was in my bed, I wouldn't have to ask where she is. God, I left for one night, and you lost my child. I knew I shouldn't have gone. I should have stayed with her-" I rambled before he cut me off. "Scar, she is in bed. Her bed, remember that one we built in her room?" he said in a duh tone, making me run back upstairs only to find her in bed.

My heart swelled when I saw her curled up to Tasha, one of my hoodies squeezed over the bear, as Sawyer basically laid on top of it. I went back to my room to get ready for bed before walking into her room and climbing into bed with her. Maybe Sawyer wasn't the only one who wasn't prepared to sleep alone. I think we have both become kind of co-dependant with each other, but I also think we both need each other at this point.

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