❤️ 1st June ❤️

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Craig woke up as if it was any other day, only it wasn't any other day. The birds were Tweeting out side his window and on his phone.  His sister screaming for him to get up and his mom telling her to shut the fuck Up.

Ah yes, what a wonderful day.

Craig's curtains were agape, a small beam of the crisp sunlight breaking through and hitting the edge of stripes cage. He was up, already running around and waiting for his food.

"G'morning stripe" Craig waved over to his small Guinea pig. The ninth grader woke up in a great mood today. Infact, maybe a mood that could beat the time him and Tweek held hands.

It was the first day of pride month. In other words, his month. And tweek months.

And I guess Mr slaves, Mr garrisons and his current boyfriends, and big gay also, and kyles and Wendy's.

But they don't matter to Craig. Only him and Tweek mattered this month.
And really, most of the school are Gonna agree with craig with that idea.

Getting out of bed, Craig streched his arms above his head and allowed his tounge to do a fart nose as he did. Then clapping his lips together and looked around the room "you hungry?" He asked his small pet, stating at him.

Stripe seemed to stare back at his owner, so Craig got the hint and moved to place a handful of food into the small bowl in stripes cage.
"I need to get ready for school" he told his small companion and left the cage open for Stripe to jump in and out as he pleases.

"What to wear though?"  The raven head asked himself as he then turned to hos wardrobe.
It was the first day of pride month, so he couldn't just turn up in his usual all blue track suit and chullo hat.

No,no, else that would go against the whole point of his and tweeks late night messaging of wesring something very gay or to just fuck off.

After staring deadly into his clothes selection for a few seconds, the younge boy huffed and stormed into the hallway of the house "MOM! DAD! I DONT HAVE ANYRHING GAY TO WEAR!" He screamed to his house hold.

His mom, Laura, walked out the bathroom and raised a brow at her disturbed gay son.  "What?"

"Its pride month and I don't have anything rainbow" criag huffed.

"Well, if you're going to be so girly about this, I'm sure your sister has a bow you can borrow" the blonde woman said.

"You can fuck off about that idea!" Trica yelled from her own room, her door slightly open.

Craig flipped off his sisters door and stormed back into his room, now in a grump.

"Today, was going to be perfect! But no, no" he complained to himself and changed into his blue track suit and put on his hat to cover most of his hair "do I look gay, stripe?"

The rodent didn't even look at his owner and instead hid under his bed.

"Fuck you" he hissed and found some shoes to put on.

Later on, Craig found himself walking to school. Too ashamed of his lack of gayness to get the bus.
His mom told him to stop being such a baby about it, but Craig just went in a hissy fit about it since this was his first pride month since coming out.

Pride month special || sp creek || tweek x Craig ||Where stories live. Discover now