💙 17th june 💙

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"Uhhhh dare?" Clyde slowly wandered, after the words left his mouth, he jumped up with a fat grin on his face "that's right! I ain't no pussy!" He clicked his fingers in his face, acting like he wasn't at all sure about how to answer the simple question of 'truth or dare'

The whole group, Tokien, Jimmy, Craig and tweek,  gave conserved looks at the boy. Then Jimmy shook his head, bewildered "w-w-well alright then, I dare y-you to go slap Stans ass while t-telling kyle he has a nice ass" he dared.

Clyde's smile dropped as they all turned around as a group to look at stan and kyles group. "Ummm-"

"Mgh- it's a dare! Y-you have to do it!" Tweek reminded, his head nearly knocking into Craig's as he twitched.
"Yeah, though you wasnt a pussy" Crsig then added, squeezing Tweek kneecap happily.

The group of them were sitting in a circle on the field behind school, which ended just over an hour ago now. However, since the weather in south park was getting nice in this town, students wanting to ,ake the most of it and crowed around on the school field. Directly in the warm sun.

The summer sun was a nice change of pace for the town since it was mostly drowning in snow. There sun was still there, but that was a cold sun that didn't warm them up.
This was a nice sun. A warm sun to keep them warm For the summer, slowly melting away the snow.

"Just do the dare clyde" Tolkien signed, pinching his bridge as he watched his best friend begin to sulk, poking the grass by his feet "I'll get you a taco bell tomorrow"
And with that promise, Clyde's face lit up once more and before anyone knew it, he was running over to stan and kyle to do the dare.

"What an idiot" Craig whispered to himself, resting his head on his blondes shoulder. Tolkien gave the two boys a happy smile.

The group watched with anticipation as Clyde ran up to Stan and Kyle, giving the raven head a solid slap on the ass while talking to Kyle.

Tweek and Jimmy laughed as they watched Stan jumpin five feet away from the small Burnette while Kyle looked around, uncomfortable.

A few seconds later, Clyde came running back, bresth basically gone from the short run. "Done!" He huffed and fell onto the floor, between Tolkien and Jimmy "I'm... dead" 

"C-c-cry me a river" Jimmy smiled and patted Clyde back. Clyde whined and rested his body against his friend.

"Tweek, truth or dare?" Clyde then said, panting still for his breath "you have to pick"

Tweek hummed and glanced at Craig, then back at Clyde "truth" he then said. Doing truths are so much better then a dare that came from Clyde.

Clyde clapped his lips together, creating an ugly noise, making Craig cring uncomfortable.

"You ever had a sexal fantasy?" Clyde asked, a smug smile on his face as if he didn't just embarrass himself.

Tweeks face went bright red as he quickly jumped away from everyone. Craig's head snapped and look at his boy. "W-what-"

"Its a truth! You have to tell the truthhh!" Clyde sang,  Jimmy laughed, also wanting to knownthe answer to this.

The blonde gulped, "Whats yo-your obsession with s-sex man!" He then complained and pulled his sleeves over his hands.

"W-we are boys" Jimmy chuckled, sharing a smile with Clyde.

Tolkien sighed "you doesn't have to answer if you don't want too, it is a pretty personal question"  he assured.

"No! Answer!" Clyde disagreed , shoving  his body closer to get Tweek to spill.

"N-no! Obviously I haven't!" Tweeks voice went squeeky and face bright red, he looked away from everyone. Craig's pulled his boy close to him.

"Let's just move on" Craig sighed, always having to be the one to drop the subject of swx to make Tweek more comfortable.

Clyde let out a whine but Tolkien agreed.

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