❤ 25th June ❤

214 3 15

Normally Craig loved sleepovers with Tweek, waking up next to the love of his life to actually seel the blonde sleeping. It was a dream, some of the best moments of Craig's life.

However, today he was woken up differently to any other sleep over.

A heavy pressure was on Craig's stomach, forcing him to slowly wake up. At first, he thought it was Tweek, so he gentally placed his hands on the persons Thighs.

There was something tapping around his face and a minty breath hitting his face.

"Um, don't fucking touch me" a savage voice then said, hissing at him.

Craig flinched at the unexpected voice, hos eyes flashing opened to see a girl and her face right next to his. Red?

What the fuck was his cousin doing?!?!?

"Fuck!" Craig cursed and shoved the girl off him, having her fall onto the floor. Then he looked around the room, seeing no Tweek even though this was his room "what the fuck red?"

The bedroom door then slammed open, Wendy and one of the Asian girls named Kelly were there.

"Is everything okay?" Kelly asked, looked around the room to see Red getting off the floor with a huff.

Red scoffed, looking back at  Craig "you're lucky I can punch you today" she threated.

This make Craig chuckle a bit to himself "when can you ever punch me?" He sighed, knowing this girl has never threw a good punch in her life.

Red then did the family tradition if flipping off her cousin, Wendy then sighed and walked into the room, three carrier bags in one of her hands "just finish doing Craig's make up" the raven headed female sighed.

Craig's jaw dropped and he hurried to the mirror in tweeks room , seeing his eyes looked darker then usual "what the fuck?"

"Chill out, god, I'm only doing eyeliner on you" Red rolled her eyes and shoved the tall male to sit down, so she can reach his eyes "no way was I gonna attempt to cover your ugly fucking face"

Kelly laughed a little and watched Red at work, carefully drawing in Craig's eye. "Tweeks at bebes House if you were wondering" she then said.

Craig whined "why?" He Could complain about the lack of Tweek in thsi room.

"Hes also getting ready" Wendy replied and handed one of the plastic bag over to Craig, who had his head held looking up by Red so she could focus of not prodding his eyes with the eyeliner.

Craig frowned slightly "for what?'

"Stop moving your face" Red hissed and kicked the bag away from him so he wouldn't move.

"For your wedding, duh!" Kelly giggled, sitting down on Tweeks unmade bed.

Craig blushed, about to look over at the other but Red Aggressively kept his head in one place.  "Wedding?" Craig repeated.

"Yes omg, you're getting married today" Red rolled her eyes, doing the finishing touches with the eyeliner "get over it"

"Legally?" Craig raised a brow.

Wendy slapped her hands on her head and sighed "what the fuck? No, unfortunately not"

"Unfortunately" the raven headed male agreed and Red pulled away from him.
"eyeliner done" she then said, throwing the plastic bag at him once more "get changed, clothes in the bag"

Craig stood up and began to walk out the room, dragging the bag with him to the bathroom.

On the way to the bathroom he saw Tweeks parents smiling happily at him. "Morning" he told them and slammed the bathroom door behind him.

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