💚 16th June 💚

243 1 5

Tweek. He was a happy fella. Most of the time.
But right now, he was not. They think he's stupid, but he's not.
He sees it all. He can't hear all, but he can hear them.

As he walked the dreaded school halls he felts the eyes sinking into the back of his school. Not just any eyes though.

The eyes of demons.

Aka, the over supporting 'creek fan girls club'. The most uncomfortable thing in the whole of Tweeks life. How Craig was able to tolerate this was beyond the blonde since Craig can tolerate very little.

"Akc- fuck sake!" Tweek cursed under his voice and ducked his head down, walking down then scholl Hall way as he looked for craig. The girls followed him through.

The boy tried to ignore the such obvious stalking, but everyone time he looked over his shoulder at them, they would freeze in their position. They would all break out into fake chatter while one girl in the group would stare at Tweek until he started walking again.

It was things like this that made Tweek think: thank god I'm gay.
Girls seem like a lot more work then boys.

Then again, he is dating craig. He can be just as bad sometimes.
Craig's an extremely fussy eater, if one thing doesn't look right with the food, he is willing to starve himself. Before Tweek and Craig started dating, he remembered that Clyde found a hair in his canteen food, Craig was done eating that crap from that day on.

He's also quick to examine Stripes food also, making sure he doesn't get poisoned.

Another trait about Craig that can make him just as bad as girls is his fucking clothes.

He would spend more then fourty dollars on a top and suddenly he surpasses the  Kardashians in style.
And he would also have this weird thing with not being able to wesr the same clothes more then once in two weeks. Even after they've been washed and even though he wears the same fucking hat every day.

Craig's hair was another story all together, not something to get Tweek started on.

Complaining about his boyfriends girly traits really seemed to help Tweek ignore and forgot about the group following them. Expecially as he was finally approaching the noirette for lunch.

However, as the thoughts of Craig being so girly were stook in his head, he giggled abit and gave an idiotic smile to his boyfriend. "What are you laughing at?" Craig asked, placing his hands on Tweeks waist gently.

"Ngh- nothinggg~" Tweek giggled, wrapping his arms around Craig's neck happily.

"Something happen?" The taller asked, having the two of them sway side to side slightly.

Tweek shook his head, hearing small 'aw's from behind him. Once more remembering about the stalkers. "God sake, forgot about them" he then huffed.

"They been following you?"  The slightly taller asked, his fingers drumming on the others waist.

"H-have been since second lesson" tweek sighed, not even bothering to look back at them. He could already hear thier awe, he didn't need to see their faces.

"I'm sooo glad I'm gay" Craig said simply and hid his neck in Tweeks neck "girls are so stupid and ugly"

Tweek just giggled from his earlier thoughts,  one of his hands moving to comb the exposed part of Craig's hair. "I..." Tweek then trailed off, deciding against finishing this sentence.

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