❤ 13th June ❤

246 0 7

"Okay so!" Clyde slammed his lunch tray on the table as he sat down next to Tolkien and Jimmy  "Where's the most gob smacking place you've had sex?"

"We're fithteen" Craig was quick to say, pulling Tweek closer to him.

Tweek nodded his head in agreement.

"W-what? Are you saying you've never had sex?" Jimmy asked, stabbing his plastic fork into the canteen food.

"Don't admit that to anyone" Clyde shook his head and used his fingers to eat the goop named food.

Tweeks jaw dropped and he looked up at Craig "we're fithteen, gbh- how?"

"The fuck was that noise?" Clyde then commented, pulling a face at the blonde.

Craig flipped his friend off.

"Tolkien, have you h-had sex?" Jimmy then asked the dark skinned teen.

Tolkien just looked at the group, unsure what to say. "Um-" he then looked down at the fancy food he brought to school ans muttered something under his voice.

"Wait, dude, seriously?" Craig raised a brow, leaning forwards slightly in shock.

"We're fithteen!" Tweek repeated, his eyes popping out his head.

"Wow, Tweek, m-m-m-might need to tell us  once more" Jimmy laughed, showing a bright smile.

Tweek flipped the boy off.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Clyde then said, holding his greasy hands up dramatically "so you're the only two who haven't had sex?"

"I only recently did it with Nicole" Tolkien then said, trying to make the two gays situation.

"We're fithteen!" Tweek whinned and slammed his head off the table, Craig patted his back.

"Exactly, fuck you whores" Craig commented.

Shocked faces spread across the three none-virgins.
Tears glistening in Clydes eyes.

"That was uncalled for!" He wept and stuck his thumb in his mouth like a five year old.

"Cry me a river" Craig then added.

Tolkien rolled his eyes at his friends, wondering why he was friends with them.
"I'm glad you two haven't had sex yet, you should wait for the right time"

"I'm only fithteen!" Tweek whinned into the table.

Craig gave a tiny smile and his fingers drummed against Tweeks back. "There's no pressure to do this, babe" he assured.

"I would h-h-have though you two would have been the first ones in our year to have s-s-s-sex" Jimmy said, still shocked on this information.

Tolkien shook his head "Kennys in our year"

"I'm just fithteen, I'm just fithteen, I'm just fithteen, I'm just fithteen"  Tweek muttered to himself repeatedly, pulling at his hair.

Craig was quick to move Tweeks hands, seeing the blonde panic "Let's change the subject"


"Shut the fuck Up Clyde"

Clyde out his thumb back in his mouth and looked over at Tolkien for help.

"Don't look at me like that"

Clyde began sobbing onto his thumb.

"How did he g-get laid?" Jimmy rolled his eyes and focused on his food.

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