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Hello I gotta plan out S4! And how that's gonna go w/ the baby stuff lmao (now that we got new info :/// ) anyway thanks for sticking around friends :-)


Out in a pasture, brown and white cows grazed under the setting sun. A soft breeze rustled the tall emerald summer grass standing out against a dark horse and her foal. Two dogs sprang through the fields, barking at each other as they played. Birds were settling down for the night and the fireflies were starting to come out. The frogs started to sing their songs in tune with the babbling sound of a stream nearby.

Near a large blue farmhouse, there was a small garden surrounded by a sun-worn white wooden fence. In the garden, brightly colored flowers were freshly planted and the small tomato plants were just starting to grow. On a wooden bench sat a woman, her dark hair pulled back from her face. Next to her was a tall patch of vibrant sunflowers pointing towards the sun. She sighed, her tears had been long dried but the ache of losing Jim was constant.

She thumbed his blue flannel that she was wearing, it was soft and worn. It felt like home. It felt like him. His hat sat in her lap but she couldn't bring herself to look at it. She bit her lip, bringing her hand down to her stomach, how was she going to tell their baby that they don't have a dad?

Jim's letter to her sat heavy in her pocket, she refused to read it. However, she knew that she needed too. It called to her every day, and she couldn't keep carrying it around like this.

She glanced down, her hand slowly pulled the folded paper out and she set it on his hat, her hands held a slight tremor.

Natalie swallowed thickly, she swore she wasn't going to cry anymore but she felt tears threaten to spill down her cheeks. She deeply inhaled and squared her shoulders, she knew Jim would want her to move on, he wouldn't want her to suffer.

So, she took her leap of faith and opened it.


Well, guess I'm writing you this letter because you practically begged for it the other day, but might as well make this a draft for our wedding vows. Not like I haven't written them ten times already. Anyway you better like it, Nat, cause this, this is poetry and I'm damn good at it.

Sweetheart, words can't even begin to describe how much I love you. You are the breath of fresh air that I've been searching for my entire life. Without you, I'd be a broken man, and damn was I broken. You broke down every wall I built around myself for years, you built me up to be the father and man that I am today.

That night so long ago when I literally caught you in my headlights, I knew deep down that you were special. First time I laid eyes on you I was a goner.  After you, I knew there would be no one else for as long as I lived. You, Natalie Blackwood, are a goddess among women and I am so beyond lucky that you chose me. Still not sure why sometimes but I'm not complaining.

Life with you has been like living in a dream that I never want to wake up from. You are the most compassionate, intelligent, beautiful soul I have ever met. You're so damn smart and I love how much you care for animals, no this does not mean we can't get another dog. I love how you're sometimes as stubborn as a mule, it makes me proud of how independent you are. I love how you are so goofy and you can make me laugh for hours. I love how expressive your eyes are, I've never seen anyone with such beautiful eyes. I love how you love nature and I guess I could get used to living on a farm.

I love everything about you, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

Love forever and always,


(P.S try not to be late to our wedding, yeah? )

Natalie smiled, tears streaming down her cheeks. She held the letter close to her chest and looked at the sunflowers next to her, swaying in the breeze. She knew her, El, and the baby would be okay.

They would be okay.

"Nat!" El shouted from the porch, "the Byers are coming over soon. Can you help me with the food?"

"Yeah, one second," Natalie shouted back and stood to her feet. She folded Jim's note and put it in her pocket and smoothed his hat. She stood in front of the sunflowers and wiped a few stray tears before placing his hat by the flowers. He did love sunflowers.

She turned on her heel, calling the dogs who came running up beside her and walked to the house, feeling content for the first time in days.

Smoke -- Jim HopperWhere stories live. Discover now